Twin sickness - Lirry (LT+NH)

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Request for: CeciliaDryan

"Daddy." I heard one of the twins cry as I felt the bed begin to move. Opening one eye I could picture out Louis and once he'd settled on the bed he curled into my side.

"What's wrong lou, it still dark out." I said looking at my phone and seeing that it was 4 in the morning. Too early for either of the twins to be awake without a reason.

"Tummy hurts." He whined and I sighed rubbing his back as he buried his face in my chest.

"When did it start hurting boo?"

"Don't know woke up and it was hurting." He said and I just nodded.

"Alright, do you feel sick or is it just hurting?" I asked praying for the second option.

"Feel sick." He mumbled and I sighed that wasn't the answer I wanted especially with Harry being away for the rest of the week meaning I was on my own.

"Do you need to be sick now?" I then asked but he shook his head.

"Okay that's good can you let me up and I'll go and grab some stuff, see if we can make your tummy feel a bit better?" I asked and he nodded rolling over and curling into himself on Harry's side of the bed.

"I won't be long lou." I said ruffling his hair before heading into the bathroom and rummaging through the cupboards. I quickly found the medicine I was looking for and then grabbed the thermometer as he didn't seem too warm but it was better safe than sorry along with the sick bowl. Once I had everything I quickly made a detour to check on Niall but he was sound asleep and then went back into my room where Louis was now sat up with tears running down his face.

"Aw lou does it hurt that much?" I asked and he nodded.

"Where does it hurt love can you point for me?" I asked wanting to role out appendicitis. Thankfully he pointed to the middle and I nodded before grabbing the calpol I'd brought in.

"Do you think your be able to hold this down, it should help you feel better." I asked and he shrugged.

"I think we're give it a go." I said pouring the right amount onto a spoon and then giving it to him.

"I want to check your temperature as well Love." I said putting the calpol down on my bedside table and picking up the thermometer turning it on.

"Ready?" I asked and he nodded opening his mouth and letting me place it under his tongue. Louis was sleepily rubbing his eyes while we waited and by the time the thermometer finally beeped his eyes were beginning to close.

"99.8 so you've got a little fever love but it's nothing to worry about." I said stroking his hair and he looked up at me.

"If I sleep when I wake up will I feel better?"

"I don't know love, hopefully you will if it's just a bit of a tummy ache but if when you do wake up and you feel like your going to be sick the bowl is on papa's bedside table and then you need to wake me Okay." I said and he nodded lying down with his head on my chest again and closed his eyes instantly falling asleep.

By the time my alarm went off Louis was still sound asleep after having woken up a couple of times to throw up so I went to wake Niall up and get him ready for school. However as soon as I walked into Niall's room it was clear he wasn't going to school either and both the twins had come down with some kind of bug at the same time.

Niall had clearly thrown up during the night as his pillow was covered in vomit but I'm not sure that he was aware of it but what I did know was that when he woke up he'd be feeling pretty poorly.

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