Braces - Lirry (LT+NH)

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This request is a bit different as I have changed the ages of the boys which is something I don't usually do, but for the request to work the boys were too young so for this request the boys are 12 but in any future lirry request the boys will be back to 4.

Request for: unicornzforever


"Niall, louis come down here please." I called up the stairs waiting for the 2 newly turned 12 year olds to make an appearance. Louis was first walking into the living room and flinging himself onto the sofa.

"Can I help you dad?" He asked looking at me expectantly.

"Firstly can you please stop flinging yourself onto that sofa and secondly I'll explain when Niall comes down." I said before shouting for Niall again.

"I'm coming Dad." Niall yelled back before he too made an appearance.

"What took you so long?" I asked him as he sat down next to Harry and I tapped Louis' legs to get him to move them. He just lifted them up however before letting them fall onto my lap once I was sat.

"Comfy?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Very." I rolled my eyes at him and turned my attention to Niall.

"Sorry I was finishing my essay." He said and I nodded catching Louis roll his eyes.

"Your such a nerd." He mumbled and I glared at him while Niall snuggled into harry.

"At least he does his." I said.

"Hey I do mine." He whined and I just stared at him.

"Louis you've had multiple detentions this year already from failing to complete homework and it's only October." I told him and he just shrugged.

"It's not my fault I mean mr jones hates me and makes my life a nightmare in class so why should I spend hours completing homework for him."

"I like mr Jones." Niall mumbled.

"That's because your one of the only students that understand his class it's clear favouritism." Louis said and I heard Niall sigh before snuggling further into Harry. As the twins have grown up they've grown apart in some ways. There still there for each other but Louis likes to tease Niall a lot.

"Alright louis cut it out, anyway the reason I've called you down here is to tell you that your not going to school tomorrow." I started only to be met with 2 different reactions from the boys. Niall whined and louis literally jumped for joy. It was no surprise though. Louis absolutely hated school and would do anything to try and get out of it, going as far once as pretending to have lost his voice however it didn't work out very well as he loves to talk so blew his cover within the first hour so I sent him in as soon as I found out he had lied. Niall on the other hand loved school and it was a complete nightmare to get him to stay home when he's sick.

"Wait why are we staying home?" Louis asked looking at me looking almost scared for the answer.

"Well do you remember when you both went to that special dentist a couple of weeks back."

"Was that the place that made me gag when they put that stuff in my mouth?" Louis asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah that's the one." I said remembering Louis didn't have a great time when we went to the Orphodontics a couple weeks back so the twins could have moulds done as they were about to have braces fitted.

"Well tomorrow we're going back and there going to fit something called braces onto your teeth so over the course of around a year and a half your teeth will straighten out." I explained and Louis nodded and when I looked over at Niall I saw he looked slightly scared.

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