Camping disaster - Larry (NH)

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'The weather is meant to be really nice this weekend.'

'It's long weekend as well right?'

'Yeah the kids have Monday off as well.'

'Do you want to go camping then? I know it's something Liam has always wanted to do and Niall may moan to begin with but he will enjoy it once he gets there.'

'Yeah it would do him good to actually remember that we exist, rather than be shut in his room playing Xbox or texting his friends.'

'So its agreed we're going camping.'

We decided to keep it a surprise from the kids. Me and Harry both had Friday off from work as well, so we dropped the kids off at school, returned home and packed everything we needed and then we loaded the car.

'Right I think that's everything.'

'Have you got Liam's travel sickness medication.'

'I have but you know as well as I do that they won't work. As long as we keep stopping every hour or so he should be alright.'

'Alright the let's head off and pick up the kids.'

'Hi daddy, Hi papa'

'Hey Li Li did you have a good day at school?'

'Yeah we played outside a lot and I got a sticker for getting all my maths correct.'

'That's great Li Li we have a surprise for you and Niall.'

'What is it?'

'You will have to wait and see!'

'Will I like it?'

'You are going to love I'm not to sure about your brother though.'

As if by magic Niall appeared at the car and got into his seat. He looked a bit pale to me but I decided to ignore it for now.

'Hey Ni good day?'

'It's school dad what do you think?'

'Alright alright I was just asking and drop the attitude please.'

'Why are you both picking us up anyway it's normally just pops?'

'They have a surprise for us!'

'Well go on then what is the surprise?'

'We're going camping.'

(Niall's point of view)
They had to be joking I was planning spending my weekend in bed as I wasn't feeling exactly 100% and they would massively fuss over me if they found out.

If I was going to be stuck in a field all weekend with them they I had no where to hide.

'Are you being serious?' Me and Liam both said at the same time but clearly meant it in different ways. Liam loved being outdoors, i mean what 6 year old didn't, me on the other hand was more of an indoors kind of guy.

'Yes are you excited Li Li?'

'I can't wait!' Well I'm glad someone's happy about this.

'Cheer up Niall is it really that bad to spend the weekend with us?' I heard my pops say as he pulled onto the motorway.

I just groaned I had a massive headache and really couldn't be dealing with this.

'Niall come on this is Liam's first time camping at least be a little excited, plus you loved going camping when you were younger.'

'Well I'm not a little kid anymore dad, I'm a teenager who lives on technology.'

'That's one of the reasons we are doing this, you spend all day everyday locked up in your pretending we don't exist so you are going to enjoy this weekend end of conversation.'

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