Scarlet fever - Niam (LT)

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'Daddy my throat hurts.'

'Aw Lou come here sweetie.'

Louis came up to me and I picked him up placing him on my lap and he quickly cuddled into me placing his head on my chest.

'It's probably just tired boo you said you were doing a lot of singing today in school to practice for the Christmas carol concert.'


'Does anything else hurt or just your throat?'

'Just my throat.'

'Come on let's get a drink that will probably help.'

I picked Louis up and placed him on my hip and headed for the kitchen where I saw Niall preparing a bottle for Harry.

'Alright loves.'

'Yeah we're good just getting some juice and then we're going to watch some Tv before bath time.'

'Alright I will meet you in their once I have the bottle prepared.'

I put Louis down on the counter and grabbed his Spider-Man cup before filling it with juice.

'Come on then Lou lets go and watch some TV.'

'Daddy can I come.'

I looked down at Harry who had wet curls sticking to his forehead from his bath.

'Your going to come in in a minute after papa has done your bottle.'

He nodded his head and his curls bounced up and down on his head. I don't know how he had so much energy still especially since he hadn't had had nap today.

I brought Louis back into the living room and got him situated on my lap and then gave him his juice.

'What do you want to watch?'

'Tom and jerry?'

'I don't see why not.'

I flicked through all the recordings we had before finding one Louis hadn't watched. I swear the only things that were in the recording list was either Tom and Jerry, spongebob, blues clues or paw patrol.

Louis placed his juice back down on the table and then snuggled into me.

'Don't you want any more?'

He shook his head and then whispered

'Throat hurts.'

'Does it hurt that bad Lou?'


'Alright baby daddy will have a look at it when we go upstairs for a bath.'

He nodded his head and focused on the TV.

Niall came in soon after and got situated in the other chair with Harry on his lap and started feeding him his bottle.

'Li I think Lou has fallen asleep.'

I looked down at Louis who had indeed fallen asleep. That's weird for Louis he's normally still full of energy this time of day and yet today he's fallen asleep before Harry.

'I think he's coming down with something. He said his throat was really sore and he was struggling to drink his juice.'

'We will have to keep an eye on him then when Louis gets sick he normally goes downhill fast.'

I saw Harry poke his head out then.

'What wrong with Lou Lou papa?'

'We think he might be feeling poorly bub.'

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