Annoying cough - Niam (HS)

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Louis was annoyed. He had been awake most of the night thanks to his little brothers cough. So when his daddy came to wake him up the next morning he was not in the best of moods.

'Come on Lou Lou rise and shine you have school today.'

Louis just whined and rolled over. Liam simply picked him up and placed him on the floor.

'Daddy I'm tired.' Louis exclaimed as he stood on the floor rubbing his eyes with his fists.

'Your be fine once you have a wash and some breakfast. Now come on get moving.'

'But daddy.'

'Not buts Lou now move it.'

'Ugh fine.'

'Louis do not give me attitude your 7 not 17.'

Louis just walked out of the room ignoring what Liam had just said.

When Liam left the room he bumped into Niall and just sighed.

'What's wrong with Lou this morning?'

'He's being a practicing teenager.'

'What he's 7.'

'I think he's just really tired.'


Liam then walked of towards Harry's room to get him ready for the day.

(Liam's point of view)

If Louis can give me that much attitude at the age of 7 I'm really not looking forward to his teenage years.

Louis is normally a very happy child and doesn't give me or Niall to much trouble but when he is tired he completely changes.

Gone is my happy bubbly child and he turns into this grumpy teenager with a massive attitude problem.

Forgetting about Louis for now I walk into Harry's room who is still curled up under his blankets.

'Haz its wakey wakey time.' I said softly as I gently shook his shoulder.

As soon as he opened his eyes he sat up and started to cough. Once it calmed down I sat down beside him.

'That's quite a cough you have there do you feel okay baby?'

He just whimpered so I brought him onto my lap. I wonder if this is why Louis was in such a mood. If Harry had been coughing all night Louis' room is right next door so he probably heard.

I gently placed my hand on his forehead and he was warm so I came to the conclusion that he was sick. He curled into my chest and let out a content sigh obviously wanting comfort.

'I think your going to be staying home today baby.'

'No I wanna go nursery play with friends.'

'I'm sorry love but I can't send you when your poorly. Your have a couple of days spent cuddling and go back when your all better.'

He sighed but nodded and I picked him up and carried him downstairs.

The kitchen was a disaster scene when I entered. Louis was now dressed in his school uniform but still in an obvious mood and Niall looked like he was about to kill him while at the same time trying to shut the smoke alarm up from where he had burnt toast. Harry whimpered and curled in tighter to me obviously not liking the loud noise. I made my way to the smoke alarm and reached up to turn it off and Niall just sighed in relief. Until he saw Harry in my arms still in pyjamas.

'Why isn't Harry dressed we need to leave in 20 minutes?'

'He's not going he's got a bad cough and a temperature.'

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