High temperatures - Lilo (NH)

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request for: Juli4455

"Papa." I heard Niall whine as the bedroom door was opened. I slightly opened one eye and saw it was only 2am. Why on earth was my youngest awake at this time.

"What's the matter Ni?" I asked groggily sitting up and rubbing my eyes before reaching for my glasses and turning on my bedside lamp.

"I don't feel well." He whimpered and I opened my arms letting him come and cuddle.

"What doesn't feel well?" I asked him as I moved his hair from his forehead and placed my hand on it.

"Head and I'm really cold and my throat hurts and everything else also hurts." He said snuggling into me.

"you've got a fever as well." I said as i moved my hand from his forehead and wrapped my arms around him.

I then felt the bed start to shift and Liam started to mumble.

"What's going on. Turn the light off." He moaned as he rolled over and buried his face in the pillow.

"Wake up Li, Niall doesn't feel well." I told him and he rolled back over squinting as he opened his eyes due to the light.

"You Alright Love?" He asked looking at me and Niall.

"Don't feel well Daddy." He whined and Liam nodded while Niall cuddled back into me clearly not wanting to talk.

"Is he warm?"

"Yeah but he says he's cold, he's also complaining of a headache and he says his throat hurts along with what I'm thinking he's referring as body aches." I explained and Liam nodded.

"Probably the flu then I'll go and get some stuff." Liam told me and got out the bed while I comforted Niall.

"Your feel better soon daddy's gone to get you some medicine." I told my youngest and he nodded into my chest. I then kissed his hair and rubbed his back as we waited for Liam to return.

When Liam did return I saw he had the kids cold and flu along with a thermometer.

"Check his temperature Love we need to know how high it is you know what he's like." Liam said and I nodded. Niall had a tendency to get extremely high fevers and if you didn't catch it before it got to high you can't  get it down and then we end up at the children's hospital. It's happened before.

"Ni can I take your temperature." I asked him and he nodded before sitting up and opening his mouth.

I gently placed it in his mouth and then wrapped my arms back around him letting him place his head on my shoulder. I knew he was tired we had struggled to wake him up for school yesterday morning but we thought it was just innocent tiredness but now I'm thinking otherwise.

"101.3." I said to Liam as he was measuring out kids cold and flu.

"Okay that's not to bad but we need to keep an eye on it. Here Ni take this." He said holding out the cup to Niall who took it without fuss only wincing when he had to swallow due to the pain in his throat.

"I'm going to get the fever reducers as hopefully we can prevent it getting to high." I nodded and held out a water bottle to Niall but he just pushed it away.

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