Papa's sick part 1 - Lirry (HS+LT)

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When I woke this morning I felt awful. I was achy, my head was pounding and I was freezing cold. I rolled over to cuddle into Liam but found the space empty. I then remembered that Liam had gone out of town to see his friends this weekend. That meant I was sick and had both kids to look after by myself until tomorrow afternoon.

"Papa wake up I'm hungry." I heard Niall shout as he came running into my room. Louis wasn't far behind rubbing his eyes as he walked.

"Morning babies come and get in here for a bit and have a cuddle." I said as I lifted the blankets for them to climb in. Louis got in no problem, Niall probably waking him up, and curled into me but Niall just pouted.

"But I'm hungry."

"Ni please just 10 minutes." I didn't feel like I could get up yet.

"Fine." He huffed before he also climbed in.

"When's daddy coming home?" Niall questioned me and I sighed.

"Tomorrow afternoon." I said as I ruffled his hair wishing Liam was home now so I could just stay in bed all day.

"Why does your voice sound funny?" Niall then asked. He sure had a lot of questions this morning.

"I don't feel to great Ni so I need you and Louis to be good boys today okay." Niall nodded and I looked down at Louis but saw he had fallen back asleep.

Niall managed to stay quiet for around 5 minutes before he started asking for food again. I realised that I wasn't going to get any peace until I fed him so I slowly sat up and woke Louis.

"Come on Lou wake up, lets go and get some breakfast." I said as I ran my hand through his feathery hair slowly waking him up. When he did wake up he sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before looking at me.

"Carry me please?" Louis asked and I hated to refuse him but I felt to weak to really walk my self let alone carry Louis as well.

"I'm sorry baby but Papa doesn't feel very well so I need you to walk yourself."

"Oh okay." He said as he climbed out of bed.

"I'll meet you two downstairs okay." They both nodded and left my room and I went into the bathroom to try and find some form of tablets to make me feel better and find the energy to take care of the twins.

I decided that I probably had the flu as everything ached and I was pretty sure I had a fever so I grabbed the pack of cold and flu and took two of them before heading downstairs finding the twins sitting at the table.

"Okay boys what do you want? You can either have toast or cereal?"

"Can I have cereal?" I heard Louis ask and I nodded getting him a bowl of Coco Pops before placing it in front of him and giving him a spoon as well.

"What about you Ni?"


"No Ni I'm not doing pancakes today. Either toast or cereal."

"Toast please." I nodded and did him some toast while getting myself a glass of water.

"What are we doing today?" I heard Louis question once he had finished his cereal.

"I think we're going to stay home all day baby. Papa doesn't feel very well and I don't really want to leave." Louis nodded but Niall didn't like the answer.

"But we always go places on a Saturday."

"I know bug and I'm sorry but when you feel poorly you don't want to go anywhere do you." I told him as I started to cough which in turn hurt my throat even more.

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