24 hour bug - Lirry (NH+LT)

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request for: ilangel1

"Hey, What's the matter Ni?" I asked seeing Niall walk into the living room with tears in his eyes.

"Louis doesn't want to play with me." He cried which left me confused as normally when Louis doesn't want to play with Niall he just goes and does something else.

"Why not?" I asked him pulling him onto my lap.

"He said that he wants to play on his own." Niall told me.

"Well What's he doing?"

"Kicking a football around in the garden." Niall stated and I nodded.

"He's not playing though Ni he's probably practicing." I said knowing Louis had his first under 7 football game tomorrow. Niall sniffled And then snuggled further into me.

"Do you want me to play with you?" I asked and Niall shook his head.

"I'm tired can we just watch Nemo?" He asked me looking up at me.

"You feeling alright baby? It's only 11am your normally full of energy this time of day." I asked him also being concerned about the fact that he was so emotional. Niall just shrugged so I took that as a no.

"What's wrong Hmm? You need to tell me so I can help." I said to him and he just snuggled further into me.

"Come on Ni." I coaxed and he slowly poked his head up.

"I feel a bit sick." He mumbled before placing his head back down on my chest and playing with a loose thread on my shirt.

"Like your going to throw up or?"I asked and he shrugged again.

"Ni you need to tell me."

"My Head hurts and my tummy." He whimpered and I nodded placing my hand on his forehead.

"You've got a temperature as well." I said sadly resulting in a whimper from Niall.

"How about we go upstairs and I'll give you a bath and some medicine and then we'll get you in some pyjamas and we'll watch the TV."


"Defiantly." I said as I picked him up and headed into the kitchen and opened the back door.

"Louis." I called once I noticed the boy running up and down while kicking the football and he looked up at his name.

"Yeah daddy?" He called back before continuing kicking the ball.

"Can you come inside please I'm going to give Niall a bath."

"But Daddy I need to practice." Louis whined But did come over.

"When I'm back down you can come outside again but you know when no ones downstairs you can't be outside." Louis sighed but nodded and came indoors.

"Why's Niall having a bath now?" Louis asked looking up at me.

"He feels poorly Love."

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