cuddly boys - Nouis (LP+HS)

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Pain pain and more pain. That's how today has gone, ever since first period and the pain is just getting worse. I know exactly what it is. I'm the right age for wisdom teeth to come through now and the thought of going through this 4 times in total is ridiculous. Why do I even need 4 more teeth I've lasted 17 years without these extra 4.

'Are you okay Li your being extremely quiet tonight.'

'Hmm my mouth hurts a bit.'

'What do you mean.'

'I think I have my first wisdom tooth coming through as the back of my gum is really hurting.'

'Aw Li that's no fun I remember when mine came through. Do you want some pain relief?'

'Yeah please Dad.'

'Alright sit tight.'

I nodded and pulled the blanket off from the back of the couch and curled under it flicking on the Tv.

'Here love.'


My dad then sat down next to me as he knows when I don't feel great I want a cuddle but I won't admit it and ask him up straight.

'Come here baby.' I didn't need to be asked twice and curled into his side laying the blanket over both of us this time. Around 20 minutes later the front door opened. I'm guessing Harry was home from football.

'I'm home what's for dinner?'

'Let me up love I need to go and deal with your brother before my carpet is covered in mud.'

I chuckled and let him up before he ran out the room before Harry could enter the room, as last time Harry had football in the rain literally half the football field was brought in the house and dads cream carpet was basically brown. It didn't go down well.

'Harry do not move, what in earth happened to you?'

'I slipped while tackling someone.'

'Right okay, shoes off and go straight for a shower, and then bring your kit down and it can go straight in the wash.'

'Okay, but I need it back for tomorrow as we have a game.'

'That's fine I can have it done by then.'

Dad then came back in shaking his head.

'I have never ever seen someone so dirty you would think he had been rolling around in it.' He said while shaking his head.

'Well that's Harry for you.'

'True, now come on let's finish this cuddle.' I nodded and let him back under the blanket.

'Has the pain eased any baby?'

'A bit I guess but it's still not great. It's not throbbing now but I know it's still their.'

'It will only be a couple of days and then the pain will ease it's just while it comes through the gum.'

'Yeah I guess.'

'Do you want something soft for dinner?'

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