Mountain biking accident - Nouis (LP)

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Request for: my_name_is_angel

"Come on Li, it will be so much fun." Andy said to me as he was putting stuff into his rucksack.

"I don't know Andy I'm exhausted from training and we have the actual match tomorrow." I said.

"Li how many chances do you get to go mountain biking in actual mountains."

"There not mountains Andy there just big hills." I said.

"Bigger Hills than at home though, plus coach wouldn't have said we could go if he thought we'd be too tired so stop using that as an excuse. Now go and get changed and put some things in your rucksack and let's get moving." He said and I sighed before rolling off my bed and headed into the bathroom with a change of clothes. Why did I have to be sharing a room with the most persuasive person ever.

"Li this is going to be great fun stop over thinking." Andy said once I was ready and we were heading downstairs to meet the others.

"I'm team captain Andy and I honestly don't think this is a good idea something is bound to go wrong."

"Well I hate to break it to you but I'm also team captain and I think it's a great idea as does the rest of the team so your a bit out numbered." I just rolled my eyes. If anything went wrong he could explain to coach why we were a player or players down for the game.

"Li coach wanted us to do something as a team to bond as a lot of the team haven't been away before."

"Yeah but did it have to be mountain biking?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"It will be fun." He said and I just sighed as we reached the reception area where the rest of the team were.

"We ready to have some fun then team?" I heard Andy call and the whole team shouted there agreements before Andy led them outside. This was going to be a long day.

"Right Li are you leading this or am I?" I heard Andy ask once we all were geared up and at the start of the course.

"You can you seem to have a better idea about this than I do." I said and he nodded before motioning for everyone to follow him.

We were about half way down when things started to go wrong. I had noticed that the course was getting steeper and there were larger rocks etc. On the route so i decided to try and get level with Andy as he seemed completely unaware of the terrain and if I didn't tell him to change route someone was going to get hurt. Andy however was going pretty fast as he was on the downhill.

"Andy." I called as I reached the top of the hill and went down passing everyone that was in front of me however my wheel must have hit a rock and I went flying into the air landing in a big heap a couple of metres away from my bike.

"Christ, Liam." I heard someone say before they shouted for someone to go and get Andy.

"Liam can you hear me?" I heard someone say I just groaned before I realised just how much pain I was in particularly around my thigh and hip.

"My god this hurts." I cried out just as Andy came into my vision.

"Joe, ring coach he's at the cafe at the bottom and it's not that far away."

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