Food poisoning - Larry (LP)

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The person who requested this asked for Zayn to be added in so Zayn is included in this chapter as Niall's best friend.
Request for: LittleWhiteLies232

"Ni I'm hungry." Liam whined as he walked into the kitchen and Niall turned round to face him.

"Sorry buddy but daddy and papa didn't leave any money for takeaway. There be home soon though and then I'm sure their cook dinner." Niall promised him and he huffed but he decided to ignore him turning back to Zayn who had decided to come over and help him look after Liam.

"Maybe we should cook something for him?" Zayn said to me but Niall just looked at him.

"Are you being serious? I have no idea how to cook." Niall said but Liam had already heard.

"Please." Liam begged climbing onto a stall next to where Zayn and Niall were.

"How hard can it be, and how can you refuse that face." Zayn said to Niall gesturing to Liam.

"Pretty easily, you get to used to it over the years." Niall said not giving Liam another thought.

"We also don't actually have anything else to do." Zayn pointed out and Niall sighed. How hard could it possibly be.

"Fine." Niall said and Liam smiled as Niall walked over to the fridge trying to figure out what on Earth he could cook.

"Chicken?" Niall asked seeing a pack of that in the fridge and Zayn and Liam both nodded.

"Sounds good." Zayn said and Niall got that out before trying to figure out what he could have with it.

"Rice Ni Ni." Niall heard Liam say and he nodded.

"How about curry then?" Niall asked and Liam nodded quickly smiling wide.

"Alright curry it is." Niall said before opening the packet of chicken.

"I'm not touching that." Niall said to Zayn looking at the raw meat and he smirked.

"Well I'm defiantly not." He said.

"Help me find something I can pick it up with." Niall said and Zayn nodded helping him find something. However they were both completely unaware that Liam was looking at the chicken curiously.

Liam didn't understand why his older brother didn't want to touch the meat or Zayn for that fact. So Liam leaned over and prodded it and before anyone could see put the same finger in his mouth before picking up the whole fillet of chicken.

"Ni Ni, I picked it up." Liam said happily and Niall quickly spun around seeing Liam with the chicken fillet in his hands.

"Liam put it down now, and come here." Niall said and Liam did as told putting the chicken fillet back down and walking over to Niall who picked the boy up and got him to wash his hands.

"Why do I have to wash my hands?" Liam questioned and Niall sighed.

"Because if you touch raw meat and then don't wash your hands and you put your hands in your mouth or something then you could get really sick. You didn't put your hands in your mouth did you?" Niall asked really hoping Liam hadn't. Liam was going through a bit of a phase of constantly having his fingers in his mouth and it was something Louis and Harry were desperately trying to get him to stop doing.

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