Stop scratching - Larry (NH)

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"Night sweetheart." I heard my dad whisper as he kissed my forehead as he did every night before he went to bed but tonight he didn't leave my room.

"Ni love are you awake?" He asked and I hummed confused why he wanted to know as he normally just left the room.

"Love you feeling alright your pretty warm." Dad said and I just nodded although I doubt he could see as it was pitch black in my room.

"Yeah I'm fine it's probably cause it's hot in here you know since you've just put the heating on so I'm getting used to it." I mumbled as I had been nearly asleep before he came in.

"You sure?"

"Yeah Dad I'm Fine." I said

"Alright I'll see you in the morning." He said before kissing my forehead again and this time leaving the room however once he was gone I opened my eyes realising that maybe I didn't feel so great. I didn't know what exactly didn't feel right but something was wrong however one thing I did know and that was that I was exhausted and I quickly fell back asleep.

"Ni wake up love you've slept through your alarm." I heard someone say and I just groaned.

"Niall come on." The same person said before they started shaking me.

"Stop." I whined pushing them away and opening my eyes to be greeted with a pounding headache which caused me to whimper.

"You Okay?" My dad asked sitting down on my bed and I just shrugged.

"I don't know after you asked me last night how I was feeling I didn't feel right and now I've got a massive headache." I said

"I said you felt warm last night." Dad said before gently placing his hand against my forehead.

"Your defiantly warmer than you should be. You up for school, you can stay home if you want?" My dad asked and I just shrugged.

"I don't know I mean schools important at the moment but I don't want to go and end up feeling even worse."

"How about I get your temperature and we go from there? If it's above 100 the decision will be easily made." Dad said and I nodded.

"Can you get me some paracetamol as well." I asked and he smiled at me sadly before nodding.

"Course I will." He said before ruffling my hair and leaving the room and I just sighed before lying back down. I really didn't think school was the best place for me but like I said to dad GCSEs were fast approaching.

"Right Stay still love." Dad said once he'd returned and dumped some stuff on my bedside table before picking up the thermometer and moving the hair that was covering me ear before he placed the thermometer into my ear.

"Right it's dead on a 100, now I don't mind if you stay home but you can go to school if you want but if you do go you need to promise me that your Okay." Dad said and I sighed.

"I don't know." I said before swallowing the tablets down.

"Why don't we give it 20 minutes and see if those tablets help at all and then you can decide then." He said.

"But I don't have 20 minutes to spare it's already gone 7:30 my bus leaves at 8:15."

"Love stop worrying if you decide to go I'll drop you off Okay." He said and I just nodded smiling thankfully at him.

"I'm going to help Li get ready as you Pop has already gone to work and I'll be back in 20 mins which is when I'm going to need an answer Okay Love." He said and I just nodded closing my eyes again as dad left my room.

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