Mosquitoes - Lirry (LT)

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As you can probably see I had a comment in my last chapter about stating who each chapter is focused on so I've initialled who's sick in each chapter so for instance this one has (LT) which of course stands for Louis Tomlinson. So now each chapter title will be the main title followed by the family and then the sick character(s). I've also gone back through all my previous chapters and done the same so I hope this helps.

Request for: plutosgurl

"Dad these bites are so itchy." Louis whined as we boarded the plane home. We'd spent the last 2 weeks on holiday in the Caribbean and everyone has loved it however Louis has been attacked constantly by mosquitoes.

"I know sweetheart." I said to him as he plopped down in his seat Niall sitting next to him.

"How long is this flight?"

"The same amount of time as the time it took to get here."

"But that was ages and I wasn't uncomfortable then."

"I'm sorry lou but there's nothing I can do about it." I said and he huffed but I saw him turn to look out the window.

"I've never known someone be such a target for mosquitoes he's covered in bites." Harry said as we started take off and Louis seemed to be falling asleep with his head resting on Nialls shoulder.

"Yeah maybe avoid countries with mosquitoes for now on when planning our holidays." I said as yes the Caribbean had been lovely but I'm not really wanting to come back if it's going to make one of my precious twins so uncomfortable.

"Yeah we're stick to Europe for now on." Harry said.

"Shorter flight as well." I mumbled as I'd never been a massive fan of flying and I know louis shared the hatred however he was clearly far to occupied with his bites.

We were about half way through the flight and id just woken up to the twins quietly talking however I don't think they realised I was awake.

"Louis if you don't feel well you need to tell dad or papa." Niall said.

"No ni it's probably nothing and I don't want to bother them I mean there both fast asleep."

"I know you though lou and I know you probably just want a cuddle from dad. You always do when you get sick."

"Your just have to do instead." Louis mumbled and I sighed. Louis recently had been trying to be more Independent as they were both turning 13 next month however Niall was right and when Louis was sick he turned into a massive cuddle bug not that I was complaining. I then looked over to the twins and saw Louis had curled into Nialls side who was rubbing his back however Niall looked extremely unsure and I knew that he was thinking whether to tell us or just deal with louis himself. He must have decided to just deal with Louis for the time being though and I soon fell back asleep knowing that if it got too much Niall would tell us.

"Dad wake up." I heard Niall say as he was shaking my shoulder.

"Ni." I mumbled rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and looking around thinking that we might have landed but we were still in the air and Harry was still flat out.

"Louis' crying, he doesn't feel well but he made me promise not to tell you but I don't know what to do." Niall said and I could see he was exhausted. We still had another 2 hours of this flight and Niall could clearly do with a nap.

"Here swap places with me. You can have a nap as you look like you could do with one and I'll sit next to Lou." I said and Niall nodded thanking me and plopping down next to Harry leaning his head on his shoulder like a pillow, while I went and sat next to Louis.

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