Papa's sick part 2 - Lirry (NH)

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So this is going to be part 2 of the chapter before but it's going to back track a bit from where the chapter before left off as I wasn't planning a part 2 but it got requested. I'm going to start this chapter from when Louis and Liam recover from the flu and Niall is yet to get it. If your still waiting for your request I will get round to doing it but it made sense for me to do a part 2 now rather than putting it at the end of the list.

"Papa, daddy I feel loads better today." Louis said as he came into mine and Harry's room. Harry had fully recovered from the flu a couple of days ago and the past couple of days I have taken Harry's place of Louis' sick buddy and let me tell you that flu bug was awful. I have spent the last couple of days a sweaty mess with headaches and sore throats and poor Louis has been suffering throughout and when your only 4 years old I'm sure it's 10 times worse.

"That's great baby, just in time for the weekend." I told him and once he saw I was awake he came trotting over to me. When he was close enough I picked him up and set him on my lap letting him cuddle into me.

"Do you want to do something today as a family then. I mean Niall's been bored stiff the last couple of days when he's finished school."

"Yeah okay how about the zoo." I said as I coughed into my arm away from Louis.

"Are you okay to be going out." Harry asked me before placing his hand on my forehead.

"I'm fine Haz it's just a cough and I'm a bit sniffly but I'll be fine."

"I'm not sure Li? You've only been sick for a couple of days."

"Come on Haz look at Louis, he's desperate to go to the zoo, right baby."

"Yes! Papa, Please."

"Fine but I want you both dressed in warm clothes. I can hear in Louis' voice that he still isn't 100% either."

"You are so the mum in this family."

"Hey, I'm just making sure that the pair of you don't get worse again."

"Hmm whatever you say love. Come on Lou let's go and get ready for the Zoo. Haz can you wake Niall, if we're going to make the most of this we should get a move on it takes a while to get to the zoo."

"I think Niall's already up and is in the playroom I heard noises when I was coming in here."

"Doesn't surprise me it is nearly 8 Niall's normally up and about by 6:30." Harry said before he left the room to find Niall.

"Do you want to watch some TV while I get ready real quick and then I'll help you out."

"Okay daddy." I smiled at him at put Nick Jr on and watched as Louis settled before heading into the bathroom to shower and get dressed.

"Alright baby come on let's get you ready for the day."

"Can I just finish this episode." Louis asked me.

"No love we need to get going if we want to make it to the Zoo for when it opens. Plus you've watched so much TV this week I bet you've seen this episode."

"Yeah but it's my favourite."

"Course it is love now come here." I told him before I turned the TV off and carried Louis into the boys bathroom. Niall had clearly already been in here as it was quite a mess.

"Do you want your bath now or when we get home?" I asked as I set him down so he could use the toilet.

"Can I have one now?"

"Course you can. Can you brush your teeth for me while I fill the bath?" I asked Louis when I saw he had finished using the toilet. Louis nodded and got his toothbrush while I started the bath.

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