Who really is faking? - Nouis (LP+HS)

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Request for: Bronwenschofield



"You know how much I love you right?"

"Why do I have a feeling that you want something?" My dad said sitting up from his place on the sofa.

"What can I not just say I love you?"

"You can't." I sighed and then sat down next to him.

"Alright so maybe I do want something."

"Well spit it out love."

"Can I stay home tomorrow?"

"No absolutely not." He quickly said causing a whine from me.

"Why not?"

"Harry school is important your going to be in year 10 in a matter of months."

"But that's not now."

"Harry some of the work that your be doing in class now is GCSE stuff."


"No Harry you can just record the football or watch the highlights." He said clearly knowing already that that was why I wanted to stay home and he wasn't wrong.

The next morning I woke up with a sore throat and a pounding headache. This seriously couldn't be happening. I sat up and started coughing right away and I sighed. This definitely was happening.

Getting up slowly I hoped my parents weren't still convinced I wanted to watch the football as they would then think I was faking but I don't think I would be able to go to school.

As I left my room to go and find one of my parents Liam came out of his room at the same time and shot me a glare. What in earth was he glaring at me for? I followed him downstairs and soon found out as he started to 'fake' cough. I must admit it was pretty realistic. I then figured out what was going on and he had decided to fake his way out of school. I couldn't say I was surprised Liam liked football even more than I did.

Dad soon appeared from the kitchen when he heard coughing and he sighed seeing Liam before helping him down the rest of the stairs and into the living room.

"You okay love?" He just shook his head no and dad sighed before placing his hand on Liam's forehead. Liam must have done something before he left his room to make it seem like he had a fever as dad told him to lie down while he went to search for the thermometer.

As soon as dad was out the room Liam turned to me.

"You won't say a word about this okay, or your regret it." He said warningly and I just sighed before heading into the kitchen to convince dad that I was actually sick.

"Dad I don't feel well either." I croaked as I walked into the kitchen and he turned around to glare at me.

"Harry I told you last night your going to school, the football will be waiting for when you get home, don't start faking when your brother actually is sick." He said as he grabbed some pills for Liam along with the thermometer and a glass of water.

"Go and get dressed Harry, or your going to be late." He called as he disappeared to deal with a faking Liam, who of course dad didn't even think to question.

I slowly walked up the stairs as if I had to go to school the last thing I wanted was to catch the bus and If I was quick enough id be able to go with Pops.

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