You have no Idea - Larry (NH)

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Request for: sunkissedbaes

'I know you feel better Li, but I think it's for the best if you stay home another day, your still coughing and due to that your not sleeping properly.'

'But daddy please.'

'No love I've made up my mind, now get back in bed.'


I was listening outside my brothers bedroom door and I would be lying if I said wasn't annoyed. I had been home from school since Monday with Liam and it was now Thursday and due to my parents working I had to have time off school to care for him. The problem is I'm now in year 11 and I have so much work with revision and coursework that I'm not comfortable with missing so much school. My parents know I'm stressed but they don't know the extent of it and keeping Liam off of school for longer isn't helping. Okay I will admit he was really sick at the beginning of the week with a chest infection and couldn't go to school, but he could go today he even wanted to go himself.

I walked back to my own room not bothering on getting dressed as I obviously wasn't going to school and sat down at my desk. Hopefully if Liam was feeling better like he claimed he should just sleep or play and therefore leave me and my pile of work alone. By this point the pile was huge as my friends would bring it round at the end of the day and I haven't done any of it yet. Whenever I'm about to start Liam always calls and then by the time my parents get home I'm absolutely exhausted and just fall asleep.

'Ah good your awake love.'


'I need you to stay home again today as Liam's not going to school. But I'll be home at 1.'

'Fine.' I guess 1 was better than 6.

'Alright love I'll see you later, I want you to get started on that school work there seems to be a lot their. Your not on holiday you know.'

I just looked at him in disbelief and then he shut my door. He had absolutely no idea what I was going through. I was looking after Liam constantly, trying to spend time with my family and complete my school work.

I couldn't physically do this anymore. Everything was just to much so I just started to cry. I was going to fail this year and then I was going to have to retake and I wouldn't know anyone.


I quickly went to the bathroom to clean my face and then went into my little brothers room after taking some deep breaths to calm down.

'What is it Li?'


'Only for a bit Li I have loads of work to do.'

He nodded so I got in the bed with him and he curled into me. I didn't mean to but I fell asleep as well.

'Ni Ni wake up I'm hungry.' I opened my eyes to see Liam sat on top of me staring at me.

I looked over at the clock and saw it was now 12:30 meaning I had slept all morning and I was now further behind.

'Alright get of me then and I'll make you some toast.'

'But I don't want toast.'

'Well I don't have time to make anything else so it's toast or nothing. I'm sorry Liam but the whole world does not revolve around you.'

Liam whimpered and backed into a corner of his room curling in on himself. As soon as I saw him do that I instantly snapped out of my frustration. I didn't mean to raise my voice at him.

'I'm sorry buddy I'm just stressed. I didn't mean to scare you.' I said as I opened my arms for him to come cuddle.

He jumped into my arms and started to cry as Liam gets scared when you shout at him as it reminds him of his old family where he was abused.

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