chapter six // church

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WARNINGS: case material (briefly), family issues, homophobia, child abuse mentions, child sexual abuse mentions, alcoholism mention

like basically same warnings as the last two chapters but no smut sorry lmfao


Emily had been crying just before you woke up. Her face was still damp with fresh tear tracks. "Baby, what's wrong?" you asked, quickly trying to forget your nightmare. She looked at you like you'd just asked her what her name was after almost two years of dating.

"Less than five minutes ago you grabbed me and said, 'Nate, it's a frame; get the break car, Emily, don't let them get me', and then fell back asleep, do you not remember?"

"No, I...I don't know what...I'm sorry, love, did I hurt you?"

"No, no, just scared me, you're okay, love,"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to,"

"Oh, I know, honey, don't worry. I just think being here, at home, is too much for you,"

"I'm okay, Em. It was just a dream." You reached out to dry her eyes but she grabbed your hand before you could touch her face. "Honey..."

"What was it about?"

"I don't remember." She shook her head and you both sat upright against the headboard of the bed.

"Bullshit. If you don't wanna tell me about it, then say that, but don't lie to me. You're not a very good liar, Y/N, not to me." You choked back tears and tried to explain.

"I've been to Boston on cases before, like the Reaper, but I didn't see my family. This is the first time we've been on a case with my brother's department and we've never been too close to where I live. If Nate wasn't here, this would be a comfortable distance." Emily wrapped her hands around yours, already clasped in your lap.

"Do you wanna talk about your dream?" You put your head on your girlfriend's shoulder and sighed.

"I was at home. Like where I grew up,, DC. And I was eleven. Nate was sixteen, which is weird, because if I was eleven, he should have been nine. But anyway...I'm being yelled at by my mom, normal, and my dad is just looking something up on the computer. Weed-whacker parts. Don't know how I know that, but I do. I broke the car, according to my mom, but I know I didn't because I can't drive. I'm eleven." Emily cracked up. "I...I don't know, you were there and you were saying that you were a friend of mine but it didn't make sense to anyone and they thought I was being groomed because you're an adult and I'm eleven, so they called the police and the BAU showed up? And I was arrested on charges of grand theft auto, but that's not...the kind of crimes we investigate? And I broke the car, I didn't steal it, so I don't even know...but my mom and I were in a yelling match, and Hotch started yelling, and then I woke up." Emily picked her head up off yours.

"That's one hell of a dream. Are you okay?"

"Honey, I'm fine. It was just a dream. Adrenaline's the worst part."

"Okay. Uh, we should probably put on some clothes, we're not...we fell asleep pretty soon after, last night." You chuckled and got dressed for work as there was really no point to wearing house clothes for that short span of time. Emily kissed you in front of the mirror and then took her shower. 


Down at the station you saw Hotch, JJ and Rossi already there, and Morgan coming in at the same time as you two. Emily squeezed your hand and let go, as now you were at work and had to be professional. 

Around nine, another body turned up in a different church, and another man had been reported missing just after. Before you could leave, you felt a hand on your arm. You whipped around and pulled your arm out of your brother's death grip; that would definitely bruise. Hotch and Emily both turned around when you hissed, "I'm not doing this here." Morgan stopped as well, but left when Hotch waved him off.

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