chapter seventy-four // no idea

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Twenty weeks. You gave JJ a kiss before getting out of the elevator. How were you even supposed to ask her?

"You guys are torturing her," Spencer said to you and Emily that night. Your faces fell. JJ had been avoiding you all day since the kiss. "Do you love JJ?"

"Of course," you and Emily said simultaneously.

"Then you need to tell her. It's killing her that you're playing with her like this. Either officially start things or officially stop them, but you cannot keep dragging her along."

Spencer was never so bold. He didn't like to get like this, but seeing JJ so sad that she had you partway hurt him too much to go on like this.

"Spence, we— are you okay?"

"I'm fine. JJ's not. She thinks you just really like her, or you're doing it for fun. She loves you guys so much and she thinks it's unrequited. Tell her. Right now, please." Spencer walked out to go get Maia ready for dinner. You shared a look with Emily before going upstairs.

Emily pushed the door open. JJ was sitting on her bed, and she was hiding from you the fact that she was crying. "Yeah, come in," she said as her voice shook.

"We're really sorry," you started, sitting down beside her. "We had no idea you felt so bad, baby." She sniffled and wiped her eyes.

"Don't call me that if you don't mean it. I can't deal with that." You looked at Emily on the other side of her.

"Jayje," Emily said, "what we have...the three of us, we're..." What was the best way to phrase it? "You're a part of this relationship. An even part. We're sorry if that hasn't been clear, or if we don't show it enough. I'm sorry,"

"I'm so sorry, Jayje," you concurred. "We thought what we were doing was good, we thought you knew we were in love with you." You felt a little guilty, being so blunt.


"Just because Y/N and I are married doesn't mean I'm not in love with you. I fall for you every day,"

"JJ...I have been in love with you for so long. I'm so sorry I hurt you. If you'll have us...we want you in this relationship. The three of us will make it work. Together,"

"Absolutely," said Emily.

"It's unconventional," JJ whispered tearfully.

"So what?" Emily asked. "When has anything in our lives been conventional?"

"True," she laughed. "What do we even call this?"

"A partnership," you suggest after a minute. "We're partners. Equals. It just so happens that two of us were legally married beforehand,"

"What about our kids?" asked JJ. "How do we...?"

"Mommy loves Auntie Y/N and Auntie Emily. Mommy and Mama love Auntie JJ. They're young," reasoned Emily. "It's not conventional, no, but it's not wrong. Not remotely."


JJ moved out of her room and into what used to be yours and Emily's. Now it was all three of yours. You watched JJ light up, become her old self.

The boundary was set at the kids. Aunties were aunties, mothers were mothers. That was the way things would be, you all agreed. Change nothing for Henry and Maia and the babies would learn once they were born.

Twenty-nine weeks. You were on modified bedrest; out of work, home alone much of the day. You had to stay in bed most of the time, but you could get up a bit, around the house. Emily told you not to shower or do anything like that when she or JJ weren't home. 

You were prepared this time. At twenty-five weeks, before the baby shower, you, Emily, and Spencer discussed the names of the twins. Owen and Kaitlin, Katie. 

Friday. You thought your back pain was just normal, it had been constant for months, but when you started having contractions, eight over two hours. you called Spencer. He was the last person you'd called, so he was at the top of your Recents list. You just picked whoever was first.

"Hi, Y/N, what's going on?"

"Spence, I'm having contractions," you said.

"Oh! Okay, uh, let me get them." He called for JJ and Emily. "Y/N's having contractions,"

"Oh, god, uh...if you guys want, I can take her to the doctor, call you when we know more?"

"That sounds good,

"Okay. Uh, hey, Y/N, Emily's gonna get home as soon as she can, she'll call us, is that okay?" asked Spencer.

"Yeah, that's fine," you said. You waited on your wife. 


ceo of going into premature labor

anyway sorry the chapters have been so short lately, but idk how to break them up there's kind of a lot happening. also sorry if you hate the twins' names. owen and katie sorry babes love u all

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