chapter forty-seven // ducky

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gymnastics states this weekend? i'm not gonna qualify for regionals lol but a bitch can dream 😌


Spencer shut the door quietly as he didn't know whether or not you and Emily were asleep. Neither of you were, as Emily was making breakfast and you were feeding Maia, but it was very considerate of him. "Morning, Spence," you greeted.


"Morning, Reid!" called Emily from the kitchen. "How are you?"

"I'm good!"

"How was it being back to work?" you ask.

"It was fine, mostly paperwork and consulting with Chicago PD. Glad to be off today, though,"


"Garcia keeps asking for pictures," he chuckles.

"I'm sure she does," Emily laughs. "We have the cutest baby in the whole world, and she's stuck looking at crime scene photos?"

Maia's a very sleepy little girl, and you kiss her tiny head as you rock her to sleep. Spencer takes her in and puts her down, and Emily tells you to sleep. "Y/N, my love, go take a nap,"

"No, I'm fine,"

"She's right, Y/N," Spencer agrees. "I slept at my apartment last night, I can stay up if you guys both sleep,"

"You made breakfast, Em, can we eat first?" She smiles and pulls you up from the couch to kiss you.

"Of course. Spencer, come here. Pancakes?"

"Oh, thank you!"

It's been almost a week since you confessed to Emily that night, and you've been avoiding the conversation. "My love, can we talk now?" You sigh.

"Fine," you answer, getting into bed. You throw the blankets over yourself, the air conditioning's on high.

"How can I help you with this? Is there anything I can do for you, sweetheart?" You breathe for a moment before taking her arms and wrapping them around yourself. Quickly she picks up on it and moves of her own volition, hugging you as you sat together in bed, the morning sun glistening through the cracks in the blinds. She was choked up when she said, "I can't love your pain away, honey, but I do love you so, so much, yeah? And don't ever think I don't love you, or that I don't think you love me. 'Cause I know how much you love me. Yeah?"

"Mhm." Your head is against her chest as she holds you close, trying to cheer you up. "I love you, Emily Prentiss,"

"I love you too, darling. Can I do anything for you? Other than just holding you? We've got that down." You crack up. "If there's not, that's okay, too, darling. I'll hold you as long as you want me. But if there is something, anything at all, tell me. We'll figure this out." Emily's fingernails leave light, comforting scratches on your exposed arm.

"Mm." You're exhausted. Maia had you up every night, but you wouldn't change it for the world. "I hear your heartbeat," you murmur with your ear still pressed against her chest.

"Yeah? Just listen to my heartbeat, honey, let yourself sleep..."


In two hours you and Emily awoke to Maia's cries, rapidly quieted by Spencer's soft, high-pitched comforts. "Oh, it's okay, Daddy's here, yeah, c'mere, Daddy loves you, oh, yes, shh..." You smile up at Emily.

"He's so good with her," she whispers.

"She's his daughter, too," you reply. "He loves her so much,"

"I know!" she coos.

As neither of you can sleep anymore, you get up and see Spencer coming out of the darkened nursery. "Look who's awake!"

"I can't tell if you're talking to us or to her," you laugh. "Hi, Maia! Hi!" You tickle her lightly while she's in Spencer's arms.

"I just changed her, so she should be good,"

"Oh, thank you," Emily says.

"You know what we could do? The team's working today, I took the day off, do you want to go down and see everyone? We don't have to but I know they'd love to see her,"

"Uh...sure! Yeah, it'll be nice to get out of the house, what do you think, Em?"

"I'm good with that."

Emily drove, Spencer rode in the passenger seat, and you were in the back with Maia. "Oh, you're such a pretty little girl, aren't you? Yeah— oh! Don't drop your ducky, Maia! Silly girl!" you giggle. She had a soft little blanket with a stuffed duckling head on it. Garcia had bought it for her, of course.

You came out of the elevator and first went to see Garcia. "Surprise," you said. She swiveled her chair and gasped.

"Oh! Oh my god, it's really you, you're here! You're not back, are you?"

"No, no, god, no," you laugh with Emily. "Just visiting today,"

"But Boy Wonder's back, he was back yesterday?"

"Yeah, I took today off,"

"Oh. Look at her! Look at this little thing! Oh my goodness, she's so little, and so cute, oh!"

"You wanna hold her?" asked Emily. Penelope nodded fervently, looking away from Maia. "Come on, let's go see the rest of the team first." All of you went to the rest of the BAU, where everyone was excited to see your baby.

"Hey, mamas," Morgan greeted. "In more ways than one, now,"

"God, shut up," laughs your wife. "How's it going, Derek?"

"Ah, y'know. How's this one?" He bends down to see Maia in her carrier-carseat.

"She's the best," Spencer attests.

"Oh my god, how are you guys?" asks JJ, coming out of Hotch's office.

"Fine," you say. "We brought a friend." You set Maia's carrier down and Emily picks her up. She gives her to Garcia, who bounces up and down with her.

"Hi, sweetie pie, well, you're just the cutest, aren't you? And— aw, wait, is that the duck blanket?"

"It is," Emily affirms.

"Oh my gosh, does she like it?"

"Babies can't express their opinions on things very well, but from all the signs we do know about from children her age, she seems to love it," says Spencer. Garcia makes a teasing face at him and he smiles.

"She's precious," JJ coos. She takes her from Garcia as Hotch and Rossi come down from their offices.

"I didn't think you were working today," Hotch comments. "It's good to see you. How's Maia?" You point to JJ, who's grinning wide at your daughter. Hotch's smile finds its way to light. Maia's falling asleep in JJ's arms.

"We're not working. Just visiting," Emily says. Rossi goes to JJ to see Maia, who immediately begins to wail.

"Oh, shh, it's okay, you wanna go see your mommy? Yeah? Okay..." JJ gives Maia back to you and you soothe and shush her.

"Don't think she likes you, Dave," Hotch mutters to him. You laugh and shake your head in disagreement.

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