chapter seventy-six // the end of times

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last chapter baby. so sorry it took so long to get out. i just didn't know what i wanted to do with it.


You were crying when Emily got in bed with you. "Oh, honey, what's wrong?"

"Please stop fighting about me," you pleaded.

"Baby..." Emily cooed. She rubbed your belly. "It's not about you. It's about us,"

"Emily, I can hear you." Emily sighed.

"Well, it's not your fault. JJ and I are having issues, that's all,"

"Stop treating me like I'm five! Em, angel, I love you so much. I can't keep listening to this, though. It hurts. Please make this right, both of you."

Emily pursed her lips. "JJ's sleeping on the couch tonight,"

"What?" I mean, what else was gonna happen? In hindsight, it seems like a dumb question.

"She said she doesn't want to be in the same bed, not tonight, so upset. And she doesn't want to put you in the middle of all this,"

"Oh, it's a little late for that, don't you think?" you asked sarcastically. "You're literally fighting over me. How am I not in the middle already?" Emily gets out of bed, leaving you alone.

"Y/N, go to sleep. I'm gonna go work this out with her, okay?"

"Fucking Christ," you mutter. You roll over and add, "I love you, Em," in a small voice. You were upset, but she still deserved to feel as loved as she was.

She went downstairs and JJ rolled her eyes and sighed. "We're upsetting her, aren't we?" asked JJ. Emily crossed her arms and shifted her weight.

"She's not a child, Jennifer,"

"But she's upset,"

"She is human,"

"If she's not a child, why are you acting like her mother?" Emily shut up. "Emily, are we in high school? We're fighting over a girl,"

"My wife."

JJ stared Emily down before sighing and throwing her hands up in defeat, about to start bawling. "Fine. Give me time to find a place. I'll be out of your hair. You win." She turned around and went to her son's room.

Emily's face fell. This wasn't what she wanted. Was it? "JJ." The blonde whipped around.

"What? What, Emily, what more could you want from me? I'm moving out, I'll leave you alone. We can be colleagues, nothing more. No girls' nights, no threesomes, we'll just work together at the FBI. Our kids can have playdates if they want. But we don't have to be close," she cried.

Tears swam in Emily's eyes. "Okay."


JJ moved out two weeks later. You were still upset with Emily about this.

You decided not to return to work, you wanted someone to be around for your three kids. Spencer and Emily both respected this, and it was probably the best decision you'd ever made, besides marrying Emily. Emily made enough to support your family, and with the supplement from Spencer's income, you were well-supported enough to retire from the FBI with little remorse.

Maia was a very sweet little girl, and she was a good big sister. Owen and Katie were well-behaved children as well, but three kids gave you a run for your money.

Emily and Spencer were the best coparents you could ask for. Spencer had always wanted kids, and he was an involved father, much more involved than you could've dreamed. Emily loved you, and she loved your three babies. Happily you remained her faithful wife.

When Maia went to kindergarten, Emily cried her eyes out. "She's getting so big," she cried into your shoulder.

"Emily, love, are you okay?"

"Mhm. It just seems like yesterday you called me while we were on a case, told me you and Spence were on the way to the hospital," she chuckled.

"Five and a half years ago. God, time flies." You dried her tears and kissed her. "And we have two three-year-olds. Jesus," you laughed.

"Our babies. You five, you, the kids, and Spencer, are the best family I could've asked for, my love." She kissed your forehead and you smiled. "I have to go to work,"

"I know, angel." Just then, Spencer rushed by, as they were going to be late.

They arrived at work and Emily smiled at Hotch. "You seem happy today," he noted. Emily glanced at JJ, who was listening to the conversation.

"Maia started kindergarten today. I'm smiling so I don't start crying again." Spencer grinned as he walked to his desk. Hotch nodded and went back to do more work. JJ walked by.

"She's getting big," JJ said.

For three years, they were colleagues. For three years, Emily and JJ exchanged water-cooler conversation and shop talk, but that was where it ended.

It was difficult for you not to see one of your best friends anymore. Your ex-girlfriend, with whom your wife and Domestic Male Eye Candy worked.

Don't get me wrong, you were very happily married, and you wouldn't trade Emily Prentiss for the world. Your only problem was the lack of any relationship with Jennifer.

But Emily was perfect. She was incredible. You would do anything for your wife. She was the love of your life.

After fifteen years married, you renewed your vows, and your teenage kids were happy to see you two happy. Spencer was a just supportive best friend and the father of your three babies.

When she was sixteen, Maia sat you down and looked like she was about to cry. ", I already told Dad this, uh...god,"

"Honey, are you okay?" Emily asked her.

"Yeah, yeah, I, uh, I'm okay." Emily always said she took after you, but this was when you really saw it. "I'm gay," she said, shutting her eyes tight.

You and Emily both smiled and looked at one another. "Okay, sweetheart," you said. "Good talk. Chicken for dinner, okay?"

"Uh," chuckled Maia, "okay."

Your kids were a shining light in your life. Emily was a beacon of love. And unlike you thought could happen when you were younger, you lived a happy existence.

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