*chapter thirteen // baby girl

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this takes place like a month later because i'm not writing that case hell tf no lmfao

i'm obsessed with using italics and adverbs in my writing idgaf if it's bad writing etiquette or whatever you can pry them from my cold dead hands

anyways enjoy and i'm sorry for not updating as much i promise i'm working on it babes xoxo



"Good morning, baby." You ran your lazy fingers over a sleepy Emily's chest and neck. She smiled a little at your touch, her eyes refusing to open.

"Mm," she groaned. "What day is it?"

"Sunday," you sang.

"Ugh, thank God," she sighed. She pulled out her whiny voice and opened her eyes a sliver. "Can I have a kiss?" You grin.

"Of course, baby girl." You kissed her smile, and she laughed.

"Who are you, Morgan?"

"Oh, I don't have the muscle mass to be Morgan,"

"You're so strong though..." Emily worked to wrap her arms around you and held you close, leaning her head on your chest. "I love you,"

"I love you too, Emily."

You couldn't go back to sleep, so you let Emily take comfort in holding you as she dozed off. She murmured something incoherent to you; you didn't know what the hell she was saying but it sounded sweet. You planted a gentle kiss on the top of her head. Emily made you so happy, and you didn't want to live in a world without her. There was no way you could express how much you loved her in a way that could fully show it.

When she stirred, rolling and pulling her arm out from under you, you inched out of bed to make breakfast. Pancakes? She would appreciate whatever you made, because you made it for her.

"Y/N?" you heard her call out from the bedroom.

"In the kitchen, love!" Shit, you were just finishing up when she awoke. You plated with haste and brought it in to her. "Surprise!" She sat up.

"What?" Emily's smile was everything. Your entire life was worth it.

"I made pancakes,"

"I—I can see that." You placed the plate on her lap. "Honey, this is incredible,"

"It's really not, I can't cook for shit,"

"That's not true, you're good at cooking if it's mac and cheese or breakfast-related." You smile. "I love you,"

"I love you too, Em. If it's bad, really just tell me and I'll get you something else,"

"No!" She took a bite, looked delighted, then offered you some. "Seriously, you do a great job, baby, here." You refused to eat any of it.

"No, no, I'll take your word for it." You both drank the coffee you'd made in conjunction with her pancakes. She ate next to you for a while, you just watching her in all her grace.

"You didn't make anything for yourself?"

"I was going to after I saw if you hated the pancakes, because then I'd know if they sucked or not." Emily laughed and put the plate on the nightstand.

"Well," she said, tracing her fingers on your chest, "I would like something else to eat." For a brief moment, you didn't realize what she meant, and she fought a snicker when the lightbulb appeared over your head.

"Oh, I think that can be arranged." Emily attacked your lips with hers, maneuvering herself to top you.

"I'm gonna go slow with you, sweetheart, m'kay?" You felt her breath against your mouth.


"Good girl." She lifted your shirt a little and put her hand on your waist. Her other hand was beside your head, steadying her. She moaned lightly into your mouth.

After a moment, you pulled your lips away from hers in favor of breathing. Both of you caught your breath, and Emily kissed your neck once she was ready. "Mm, is this good, my love?" You let out a moan in affirmation. She hooked her finger in the waistband of the shorts you'd slept in. "Can I take these off?"


"Okay." Emily pulled your shorts off and dropped them on the floor on your side of the bed. Her hand, which had previously been on your waist, now had your hipbone between her thumb and finger, holding you just perfectly. "You're so good, love." Her gentle words gave you butterflies.

A few moments passed, and she grabbed the fabric of your underwear. "These off, too?" You nod. "Can I hear words, love?"

"Yeah, Em, yes,"

"There we go, love." She took them off, too, and put them on the floor. "This?" Her fingers circled your clit, forcing a breathy moan from you. "You like that?"

"Oh, Emily..."


"Yeah..." She kept kissing you, and ran her fingers through you. She smiled when she felt how wet you were. Emily loved knowing she made you feel good. She moved herself down to suck your clit and fingered you, making your moans quicken. "Emily!"

"Yeah, baby,"



"I'm, fuck, I'm gonna cum,"

"Oh, good girl,"

You moaned and sweared until your orgasm finished, and Emily pushed herself up so your faces were beside one another. She pushed your hair out of your face and kissed you again and again.

"How was that, love?"

"Good," you said as you still tried to catch your breath, lying flat next to her. She giggled at your breathing. "You're so good, Em." Emily got up on her forearm and leaned her forehead against yours.

"I had to return the favor of you making breakfast, and you know how much I love to pleasure you..." Your heart skipped a beat as a grin spread across your face. She kissed you, imbuing passion, and smiled against your lips. "And, to be honest," she whispered, "you taste better than the pancakes."

"Alright, Em, now you," you said.

"No, no, I don't want...no, love, I just wanted you." Her hand was against your chest to stop you from trying to switch positions with her. "But if you're up for it," she continued, "I'd love to do it again." You smiled slowly and raised your eyebrows.


"Oh, baby, I'd much rather pleasure you right now," she moaned through kisses. Just when she finished speaking, she kissed just inside your hips, then your inner thigh, then sucked your clit again. Every few moments her tongue teased you, just slightly. "Oh, you taste so good," she moaned. Her voice sent shockwaves through you, and her words delighted you. Emily kept moaning into you, alternating between sucking you off and licking your folds. Without warning, her fingers entered you, pumping hard.

"Em, fuck!"

"Mm, I've got you, love."

You came for the second time that morning, with Emily moaning against your clit. She put her fingers in your mouth and you tasted yourself. "You're a good girl, Y/N."

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