chapter seventy-five: owen & katie

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this will probably end around 80 chapters, give or take. i'm not liking how it's turning out, it's getting weird and i'm not quite sure what to do with it.

i feel like this one is going in a direction i don't like; i feel like i need to keep putting it out on a semi-consistent basis and it's getting really long. i love it but i feel like i'm losing control of it. but this was my baby and i'm very glad to have written it.

i'm currently drafting an Emily x OC story called "Fifty Ways to Love You" :)

i have two other stories that i'm working on, one hotchniss and one jemily. just so you know. love you all xoxo


Owen Spencer Prentiss-Y/L/N and Kaitlin Penelope Prentiss-Y/L/N. April 18. Three spring babies.

Owen and Katie were two beautiful babies. You had been in labor for 17 hours. It was so worth the wait and the pain.

JJ had stayed with Maia and Henry. Somebody had to. She was glad to do it, and brought your excited little girl — who was nearly two — to meet her brother and sister. You hadn't told her it would be a boy and a girl, she didn't know.

"Brother and sister?" She asked. You nodded. "Mommy tired,"

"Mommy's very tired," Spencer said as he picked up Maia. He peppered her smiley little face with kisses and she laughed. Always, that girl loved to laugh. "Did Auntie JJ give you anything to eat?"

"They had breakfast when they got up, at like, five." JJ checked her watch. "It's 9:30,"

"Oh, how about I take you two for brunch?" Spencer asked the kids. They were both excited at the prospect.

"Wait, Daddy! Wait! Wait!" Spencer stopped.

"What, baby?"

"Mommy kiss." She reached down for you and Spencer let her gently down into the hospital bed. You smiled and let her curl up with you, her tiny face on next to your shoulder, looking up at you with a little smile. "Babies not in Mommy's belly?"

"No, love, not anymore," you told her as you ran your fingers through her hair.

"They come out? They outside babies now?" Emily started laughing. Maia made a cute angry face. "No laugh at me, Mama!"

"Hey," you sighed, as you were exhausted, "don't talk to Mama like that, that's not nice."

Spencer took the kiddos to eat, leaving you, Emily, and JJ. "Y/N, baby, how are you?" asked JJ.

"I just gave birth, babe,"

"I know," she laughed, "yeah." JJ stroked your hair, and Emily was hit with a twinge of jealousy. She came to sit in the bed with you.

"Love, can I do anything for you?" She kissed your forehead, caked with sweat.

"Mm-mm. Just sleep."

Neither of them were willing to start an argument with the other, but they both knew it was coming. You had been a little preoccupied, you hadn't noticed.

They didn't so much as exchange eye contact while you slept. You had all insisted otherwise, but it was painfully clear that Emily was getting possessive of you, especially as you were more and more pregnant with her children. Not JJ's children. Hers.

You weren't something to be possessed, though.

You got to hold your babies for a little while after you woke up. Emily held Katie first, you with Owen, and after a while you switched. You both wanted to hold both of your babies. The two precious children you had just given birth to.

Spencer returned with Maia and Henry, and JJ and the three of them went home so the kids could get some sleep — and so could they.

"Emily," you murmured.

"Yes, my love?" You smiled. Always so soft.

"I know you and JJ are having problems,"

"Oh, honey, don't worry about that, especially not today." She squeezed your hand.

"Can you just tell me what's going on with you?" Emily frowned. "Em, be honest, I don't have the energy to beg today,"

"How about we talk in the morning, hmm?"


Emily tried to make nice with JJ at home one evening after you were finally home from the hospital. "Jayje, we really need to talk,"

"I don't think we do," replied JJ curtly. She continued to unload the dishwasher, when Emily shut it. "What, Emily? What more could you possibly need from me?" JJ crossed her arms with a nasty glare. When Emily just stared at her with pain, JJ shook her head and opened the dishwasher again. "Fine, then,"

"Jennifer." At the use of her full name JJ turned up at Emily.

"You're possessive, Emily. I feel like an imposter. You two are married, you were in love long before I came along and saddled you with my problems, which is why we even got together in the first place, years ago. It's not all your fault. It's just the way this works, I know,"

"JJ, I...I didn't mean to make you feel this way. And I'm sure Y/N didn't, either,"

"Stop that," JJ said.

"Stop what?"

"Talking like a unit. Like it's you two together and I'm just here for kicks. God, this is what I mean! You talk for her, like she's yours and yours alone. Maybe that's the way things were, but the three of us agreed it's not the way things are. And I'm sick of it. Y/N is herself, she's not yours,"

"JJ, she has always been mine."

Emily hated fighting with JJ. You could hear them bickering downstairs, it was waking you up from your nap, but you didn't have the energy to get up and tell them to be quiet.

"I loved you, JJ."

always been mine - emily prentiss x readerWhere stories live. Discover now