*chapter fifty-one // christmas eve

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"Can I have a kiss?" Emily asks with a smile.

"Always," you reply, your smile just as wide, leaning back slightly to line up with her. You feel safe with her arm around your waist, her by your side as you walk up to JJ's door.

"Hi, guys! Merry Christmas Eve! God, I'm so glad we get to hang out, it feels like it's been forever,"

"I know," you sigh, putting on a grin. You and JJ hug, then she and Emily, before she invites you inside. Garcia's already there, and she gives you a huge grin.

"So, baby's first Christmas, how's it going?" Penelope asks.

"Uh, a little hectic," you chuckle. Emily nods. "But it's great,"

"How's Boy Wonder doing with all of it?"

"He's so awesome,"

"Yeah," adds Emily, "Maia loves him. We love him. So glad we all moved in together,"

"Enough about us! JJ, how's Will?" Emily wonders. JJ blushes. "Thank god he took Henry to your mom's, right?"

"Oh, I know, but rest assured, Mommy's gonna be there when he wakes up on Christmas morning. It's why I'm not drinking tonight. I have to drive all the way there..." she groans. You laugh.

"How is Detective Lamontagne?" Garcia asks with a silly accent. You and Emily chuckle thinking about what JJ had told you so long ago.

"I assume he hasn't gotten much better?" Emily mutters. You crack up and put your hand to your mouth to avoid spitting on the table or yourself. JJ rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"Huh? Better at what? Oh! Oh, god, honey, really?"

"Pen, you just went through so many emotions in like, four seconds," you laugh.

"Oh, JJ, is he really that bad?" JJ's eyes widen and she nods. "Then leave him, honey, you're way too good for him anyway,"

"He's a nice guy, and the father of my son, I'm not just gonna 'leave him'!"

"He cheated on you," you singsong. "At least tell him his dick isn't the gift he thinks it is,"

"What? How would I even go about that?" JJ laughs. The girls howl with laughter as you pretend to write a letter.

"'Dear Will, please stop. Just in general. Stop. The only good thing you've ever done is father my son, and even with that you're still on thin ice. Your penis is not as magnificent as perhaps you've been led to think, and it certainly has done nothing to please me since the day we met. I've been faking it for years; please learn how to please a woman. Also, you're a lying, cheating douchebag. Kindly go fuck yourself, I'm sure you'll get more pleasure from it than I will. Sincerely, Jennifer Jareau.'"


Spencer texts you to let you know Maia's in bed and he's going into bed as well, just so you'd know he'd be asleep when you got home. Garcia heads out on that note, and you and Emily give JJ A Look. You'd done this a couple times since the first, but it was never spoken about. JJ brought you into her bedroom, and Emily said, "Kiss her, Y/N." At first, you and JJ made out to get Emily hot, before signaling to JJ. You two had planned something.

"Take off your clothes, Emily. Traffic lights," you say firmly. Her breath catches before she obliges.

"All your clothes," JJ clarifies just as firm when Emily leaves on her bra and panties. Dominant JJ is even getting you wet. You and JJ leave your undergarments on but make Emily take hers off. "There, good girl,"

"We want to play with you all night," you say as you push her onto the bed, running your fingers over her torso.

"Does that sound like something you'd like, Emily?" asks JJ, climbing up to join you.

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