chapter eleven // more vacation time

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WARNINGS: none, this shit wicked cute


You were escorted out of the prison, and bit your lip when you got in the car with Emily. "So?"

"I'm never gonna be 'over it', that's not how this works, but...I'm glad I did it. I'm glad our last interaction was on my terms." Emily put her comforting hand on your leg and started the car. "Can we go home now?"


You shifted to put your seatbelt on, groaning, "Yep! Trauma tour's over!" Emily laughed at your ridiculousness. 

You arrived back in DC a little after midnight and Emily got into bed, exhausted after driving all day. You offered to drive, but she knew it made you anxious and refused to let you do it, never once complaining. You took a long shower and found Emily already sound asleep when you got out. She was adorable.

Emily had secretly taken the next day off for the both of you, telling Hotch why but nobody else. Normally she wouldn't be able to request your day off, but Hotch allowed it under these special circumstances. 

You woke up in the morning to an empty bed, and you were terrified that you'd slept through your alarm and Emily was at work without you. She was in the kitchen, though, thank god, and you smirked at the chocolate syrup on the counter. She'd put some on waffles she'd made, and you raised your eyebrows. "Morning, Em,"

"Oh, I didn't think you'd be up yet." She held you in a tender embrace, her ever-gentle lips on yours. "Um..." She had hand-written a note, which was folded on the table. You picked it up, raising your eyebrow at her in semi-faux suspicion.

My love,

I have loved you for years. I love you more than I've ever thought myself capable. You make me feel so beautiful, and cared for, and loved, and safe, and I want to spend the rest of our lives trying to make you feel even half the way you make me feel, which in itself is an impossible task. I would use every cliche in the book to tell you what I would do for you and how much I love and need you in my life. I don't know how I've gotten so lucky to be with such a magnificent girl. Your infinite compassion and beauty and love is so admirable and I need you to know just how deeply I care for you. This partnership has immeasurably improved my life and I hope you feel the same. You are inimitable, my love. I wasn't even sure if I would ever get married until the day I knew I loved you. But now I know just what I want from our life.

Y/N, my love, will you marry me?

You smiled and looked up at her, weeping with joy. "Emily, of course I'll fucking marry you." As you were reading, she'd grabbed a ring box and she slid the ring onto your finger. You kissed her softly but with great passion, and then wrapped your arms around her neck in a hug. "I love you so much, Emily Prentiss." Instead of responding, she let out an overwhelmed, happy sob.

"I love you..." she cried. When you let go of her, you cupped her face with one hand and dried her tears. You looked down at your left ring finger. "Do you like it?" It wasn't a typical engagement ring, with a rose instead of a diamond.

"It's beautiful, Ems. Not as beautiful as you, but what is?" you chuckled. She smiled.

"I know that, before we started dating, we agreed at girls' night that the engagement ring being bigger and better than the wedding ring is stupid, remember?" You grin.

"Yeah, I remember,"

"You said people shouldn't feel obligated to get diamond engagement rings if it's not really what the person wants. You said you didn't care, for yourself. And on your birthday the first year we were together, I got you roses and I had an allergic reaction when I went to the flower shop," she laughed. "Do you remember?"

"Of course I do!" you laughed, "You were fully ready to martyr yourself for this relationship." You kissed her. "For some fucking roses, too. This's beautiful, Emily. It's absolutely perfect. Like you."


y'all was this cute or stupid like idk

i just wanted this and i wrote some shit about the visit with father mark but it was tragically bad (as in poorly written) so i deleted that shit off the face of the earth

am i failing chemistry? yes. is it because i write this fucking fanfic every single class? partially. idgaf about gas laws i'm a history and math gay okay??? not a science gay nope nope

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