chapter forty-five // agreed

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Emily rested her head on your shoulder when you flew home. She was fast asleep when you were about to land, and you hated to have to wake her up. JJ was sitting across from you and she smiled when she saw you running your fingers in Emily's hair, pushing it behind her ear and trying to wake her up without being rough or jarring.

You start to whisper, "Hey, my love, we're almost home, hmm? I'll drive home if you're tired, okay? I know, you're tired, but we can go home and just sleep, hmm? It'll be...about ten when we get home, we can just go right to bed if you want. Yeah, Em?"

"Hmm? Yeah? I'm up." You kiss her hairline before she lifts her head. "What?"

"We're landing soon, sweetheart,"

"Oh." She sees JJ smiling in adoration of your relationship. "What, JJ?"

"Nothing." Emily was too sleepy to contest it. She got up to go to the bathroom to make sure she didn't look like shit. She didn't. You look at JJ, smiling yet, but reading her book.

"What, Jayje, c'mon?"

"Nothing. You''re just really good to her." You smile modestly and shrug, turning your eyes down. "I know she loves you."


You take a shower and get into bed. Emily's trying to stay awake for you, but she's struggling. You chuckle. "Go to sleep, honey,"

"Mm, come lay with me," she whines. You climb in bed and she spoons you, her hand on your belly. Your wet hair was in her face a bit but she was unbothered. "I love you," she mumbles.

"You too." You both drift off to sleep until you wake up to a thousand kisses being placed on your face, neck, and shoulders. Your head is pounding. You scrunch up your face, wincing in pain.

"What, love?"

"Nothing, just a headache. I'm okay,"

" sure?"

"Yeah. Feel fine otherwise. Just my head, goddamn."  Emily worries about you too much. You kiss her and get out of bed. "I'll tell you if it gets worse or anything, love. I promise you. Okay?" She nods and kisses you, holding the back of your neck.

"I'm overbearing, I'm really sorry, I just worry,"

"I know you do. I'm really okay, though, Ems. Nothing's wrong. It's normal, you know that, sweetheart,"

"Yeah." She nods. Her cold hands take yours. "You're so calm. I don't know how," she laughs.

"Oh, calm? Excuse me?" you scoff with a laugh. "Em, the reason I'm not worried now is because I was worried before. But it's all normal pregnancy stuff, m'kay?"

Spencer was over a few times a week and came to all your appointments. He was dedicated. He, of course, still remembered all the books he'd read when JJ was pregnant, and you gave his title as doctor a run for its money sometimes. He was still unnerved by babies kicking. 

For weeks and weeks you continued to do your job, though it got more and more taxing. At 32 weeks you were in Boston working an odd series of workplace shootings, and you, Spencer, and Hotch were at the police station when you started feeling contractions. "Y/L/N?" Hotch asked.


"Are you alright?" Hotch put down his papers. Spencer looked over at you. 

"What's happening, Y/N?" he asked.

"Contractions. It's probably Braxton-Hicks, but..."

"Go to the hospital, Y/N," Hotch commanded. 


You called Emily, who was visiting a victim's family with JJ. Spencer was driving, never a good thing. Emily's phone started to vibrate in her pocket and she let it go to voicemail. "Fuck, Emily, pick up," you muttered.

"She's not answering?"

"She's with JJ and Roy Adamsen's family,"

"Then call JJ,"

"Let me try Emily again." She checked to see who was calling and showed her phone to JJ.

"Excuse me just one minute. JJ, you alright to continue this while I take this?"

"Yeah," JJ answered with a smile. Emily stepped outside of the Adamsens' house.

"Hey, Y/N, what'd you guys find?"

"Not much," you laugh, "because we're on our way to the hospital,"


"Yeah," you laugh, "about how I thought you'd react. Uh, Spence, where're we going?"

"Brigham & Women's,"

"You hear that, Em?"

"Yeah. Are you— how are you— what's going on?"

"Not...totally sure," your voice tightens. "But just, uh, yeah!" Emily starts biting her nails.

"I'm on my way, okay?"

"Where are you? Andersens'?"

"Yeah, we were just about done here. I'll get JJ and we'll be there,"

"Love you,"

"Love you too, honey, see you soon,"


You were in labor. Emily arrived an hour after you got there, and kissed your head, apologizing for taking so long. "Boston traffic,"

"You're okay," you breathed. JJ was right behind her and waved to you and Spencer. "God, I'm so glad you're here..."

"You wanna break my hand? You can break my hand if you want, that's fine." Emily was not being passive-aggressive, she was just trying to be supportive. You took her and and laughed, putting a smile on her face as well. JJ went over to talk to Spencer.

"How's she been?" she asked quietly.

"She seems alright, but I know she's in a lot of pain,"

"Oh, yeah," JJ confirmed. "Quick thinking on your part, getting her here,"

"No, it was Hotch who told us to go. Good thing he did, 'cause it's not Braxton-Hicks," 

"'Good thing' is right. How are you, Spence?"

"How am I? How's Y/N's the real question, she's in labor,"

"Hey, guys," you say to him and JJ, "hate to break up the party, but we haven't picked a name yet,"

"Really? I thought we all agreed," Spencer said.

"What? No we didn't," said Emily.

"I thought we figured this out already, six weeks ago,"

"I don't remember that," you laughed incredulously.

"Do I need to be here for this?" JJ asked. No one was listening to her.

"What name do you think we all agreed on?" you asked him.

"Maia. M-A-I-A, Maia." You took pause, in great pain from labor but happy with the name.

"Em, what do you think?"

"I like it." She smiled. Everyone was happy.

"Maia it is, then," you declared, your voice strangled.

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