chapter sixteen // wine-drunk

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thank you for 200 reads!! i honestly didn't think anyone would read this but i'm glad you're enjoying it :D

if you have ANY suggestions or what you wanna see more of (smut, fluff, some traumatic shit, etc.) i'm sure i can incorporate it into the plot i have planned because i can drag this out for a while, PLEASE feel free to leave a suggestion (or several lmfao)!!

anywho sad emily this chapter because i need to feel something


You'd decided not to go with the team to the bar, you were just exhausted. You hadn't been able to sleep on the case, and Emily knew you'd been up for three days straight. It was four in the afternoon when you all got back in DC, but you went right home and went to sleep. Emily offered several times to come home with you but you knew she needed a drink, she had to unwind after this case. She would get a cab home, as she would almost certainly be unfit to drive, so you took the car.

She got home around one in the morning and you woke up to her trying to sneak into bed. She apologized profusely for waking you, but you were okay. Emily was wine-drunk, you could tell because she was sadder than she was with anything else she drank. Something about the vibe of wine hit different for her. You were slightly more awake, and asked her if she needed anything, even though you were still sleepy. She wanted kisses, and sounded so cute asking for it in a shy little voice.

You placed a thousand light kisses all over her body, knowing her sensitive spots and where she was insecure; you paid careful attention to the latter. "I love your body, sweet girl,"

"Mm," she exhaled. You kissed her belly. "I'm sorry,"

"For what, my love?" You furrowed your brow with real concern, and came up so your head was next to hers, supporting yourself on your forearm. She had no reason to apologize. 

"I don't deserve you," she cried, shutting her eyes. "You make me feel so loved and beautiful and I don't deserve it."

It took all your strength to not cry. It was enough to see her so upset. "Emily, sweetheart," you said gently, running your thumb over her lace bra, "The world is difficult, so you don't deserve the world. You deserve a paradise. I can't tell you how much I love you and how much love and happiness you deserve. I love being yours. Your beauty is . . . astounding. You are . . . my . . . my goddess, my queen, and I know you don't think you're pretty, but if you could see yourself through my eyes, you'd know. Because this woman, right here with me, is the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes upon." 

Emily cried into your chest, and your shirt became wet against your skin. "I'm sorry," she repeated.

"Aw, baby, stop apologizing, you're okay. Here, my love, let's go to sleep, okay? I know we're both really tired,"

"Aw, I woke you up, I'm sorry,"

"Hey, love. It's fine." You made certain she saw your smile even in the dark. "Don't give it a second thought, sweetheart. You want more kisses until you fall asleep?" Emily nodded. You kissed her face and neck, now running your hand over her insecurities because you were too tired to move to kiss them again. She was still upset over them, but felt safer, like riding a bike without training wheels but knowing you won't let her fall. 

You would never dream of it.


Emily was still in your warm embrace when you woke up, and you tightened your arms around her. The sunlight streamed in through the window behind you, a sweet golden glow illuminating her. 

"Mm, Y/N, g'morning," she murmured. 

"Hey, love,"

"You're warm,"

"Mm." She snuggles into you, making you grin. "Baby, how are you this morning?"

"I'm good, love. Please don't leave me. I'm so comfortable here, I don't want you to leave me, I"ll get too cold and sad." Soft Emily was a sweet girl. A whole different side to the woman you're so in love with.

always been mine - emily prentiss x readerWhere stories live. Discover now