chapter twenty-four // pain meds

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During the week she took off, Emily doted on you day and night. She'd stroke your hair, give you a million kisses — constantly asking if she was hurting you, which was cute but got a bit irritating — and bring you food in bed. "Em, it's good for me to get out of bed," you said as you stood outside the doorway to the bedroom. Emily was making breakfast.

"But you can't make yourself food,"

"Yes, I can,"

"No, I mean I'm not letting you. You're hurt, you need to rest,"

"I'm fine, Emily,"

"Stop that. You should try to get some sleep, I know you didn't sleep well,"

"How would you—"

"I can tell when you're tired, my love, and I...heard you crying last night,"

"Did I wake you up?" you ask, quietly ashamed.

"No, no, love, you didn't. Was it bad?" You sigh, lying to her bears no fruits. "Honey, why didn't you tell me?"

"The pain meds wear off in the middle of the night, 'cause it's eight hours between them and I take them at ten and six, so at two in the morning it's time to take them again and they're not really helping. Nothing you can do, really,"

"Does it wake you up or can you just not get to sleep?"

"Wake up,"

"My poor baby..."

"I'm fine, Emily,"

"Can you take sedatives with them?"

"Uh, no,"

"Hmm. What time is it now?"


"So you just took your meds?" You nod. "Okay. How about tonight, you take it at ten instead of six?"

"God, no,"

"Why?" You stare her down as if that was the dumbest question imaginable.

"I'm gonna be in excruciating pain until ten from going off the meds, it's bad enough having to wait eight hours but twelve? God, Em, this is torture." You get back in bed, shutting the door behind you, not even turning back around to see the hurt look haunting your poor wife's face.

She waits a few minutes before knocking on the door. "Y/N? Can I come in, please?"

"I'm sorry, Em," you say through tears. She hears your pain and throws the door open. You hadn't meant to snap at her, she didn't do anything. She was just trying to help.

"Honey, what's going on?" Her voice is soft. She puts one arm around your shoulders and the other holds your head to her shoulder. You both look at the pancakes she set on the bed. "Shh..."

"I'm so sorry, Emily,"

"Honey, I know you're hurting. I'm sorry. You know I love you, right?" You nod. "That you're so strong and so capable?" You don't nod this time, just cry and lean into her. "And I love you. Baby, you're everything to me. Let me help you, okay? That's all I want. Are you tired? Do you wanna take a nap?"

"It's not even eleven yet, Emily," you say. She kisses your head.

"That's okay. You need your sleep, my love. C'mere, let's lay down."

Emily leans back and feels the plate under her feet. "The pancakes," you say, half-awake.

"Mm." Emily sits back up, taking you with her, and puts them on the nightstand. "For later." She sees your scowl trying to hide the pain sitting up just caused you. "Oh, honey, a—"

"I'm fine, Emily," you groan, waiting for the pain to subside. Your wife helps you lay back down, and you let out a controlled sigh. "I'm okay," you reiterate. You could see the look on her face.

"Are you sure we don't need to call the doctor, or—"

"I'm fine, Ems," you breathe, staying absolutely still for a moment so you didn't move and hurt yourself again. Emily watches as you let out the breath you were holding in, squeezing your eyes shut. Better. You look up and see her concern,

"Okay, love. Come here." She wraps her arms around you and holds you to her chest. You hear a faint heartbeat, slow and steady. "Go to sleep, my love," she whispers.

"I'm sorry for snapping,"

"Shh." She strokes your hair and gives the crown of your head a thousand kisses, resting her cheek on your head in between. Anything was more bearable with your wife holding you.


sorry for not updating lol, goin through it a little bit ✌️ if anyone has ideas for this story (smut ideas included) you can comment them bc i have an end goal for this story but i need more before i can get there, what do you want to see?

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