chapter sixty-nine // discussions

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this is a short chapter but a LOT happens. it seems abrupt but idk i'm happy with it


The case was solved the next evening. You didn't care. You had to stay in town until the funeral, and every day you were wiped out. Emily was incredible nonetheless, always holding you and telling you, "It's okay to be upset. You've had such a long week, baby, let me take your pain away for a little while..."

You got home and saw Spencer and Maia. You rocked your baby girl to sleep; you needed that baby's love and purity right about then.

JJ slept in with you and Emily to comfort you, to make sure you felt safe and loved the first night home after all of that. It was so clear how loved you were. So many people who cared about you. You weren't used to it even after all this time. It could still get overwhelming sometimes. You had a daughter and a wife who loved you, and your sort-of girlfriend JJ, and your daughter's father...and the whole team.

The second night, you brought something up that had been at the back of your mind. "Emmy, can we talk about something, angel?"

"Of course, love, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. It's just something I've been thinking about a lot lately...even since before my mom and everything..."

"Oh. I think I know,"

"Really? I'm not sure you—"

"You've been thinking about wanting more kids." You rolled over and furrowed your brow.

"How'd you know that, Ems?"

"I've been thinking, too. I...I love our family. I love being a mom. If you want more kids, I want more kids,"

"How do we even...?"

"Do we want Spencer involved again? He's an incredible dad, but I don't think you really wanna fuck him again." You laughed. "There's IVF if you want to try it. I think we should talk to Spence before we decide anything. Get his thoughts,"

"Of course."

God, did he want more kids. He loved being a father, he loved your little girl. He loved you. Spencer would like nothing more than to become a father all over again.


Your fertility specialist was good, she was very supportive of your family. You were definitely not the first lesbian couple and "friend" she'd seen.

It was Halloween when you found out. It was time to take the test anyway, but you'd been nauseous and fatigued recently; you had a good feeling about this month. You started crying at the positive pregnancy test. You were pregnant with Emily and Spencer's baby.

"Hey, baby, I gotta take a show— hey, what's...?" Emily saw one hand covering your mouth and one hand holding the test. "Love?" she asked with a smile. You nodded and handed it to her. "Oh my god," she laughed incredulously. You put it down on the counter in the bathroom and hugged your wife.

"Em!" you cried. When she pulled away, she dried her own tears. "Angel, I'm so..."

"I know," she wept, nodding. You couldn't stop smiling. "We have to tell Spencer,"

"Yeah," you said, choked by your joy. With her hand on your back, Emily led you down the stairs, where Spencer had made a mess trying to make Maia breakfast. He saw how emotional you both were.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm great, Spence, I'm...I'm pregnant." His face lit up and he slowly hugged you, tighter and tighter. He switched to hug Emily and you were all crying happy tears. "Are you excited?"

"Excited? Y/N, I'm ecstatic!" he exclaimed. Maia didn't know why everyone was so upset.

"Mommy, why you cry?" You smiled at your little girl, who stuck her lip out to mimic pouting.

"Oh, Mommy's very happy, my lovey girl. Mommy's super-duper happy! And so's Mama and Daddy, we're all really really happy, милая." Maia giggled and tried to get out of her high chair to give you a kiss, but she was strapped in. You lowered your face down right in front of her so she could kiss your cheek.

"Mommy not sad?"

"No, lovey," said Emily, "Mommy's not sad. Mommy loves you so much, little one."


JJ was elated for you, and Henry didn't quite understand. Emily couldn't stop smiling in the car on the way to work. "I'm so happy, my love. I know we've wanted this forever,"

"Mhm. I'm so excited." When you felt nauseous it was hard to keep a conversation going.

"You good, babe?"


"Okay. You sure?"

"Yes, Emily." She glanced over at you.

"You feel alright?"

"Fine. A little nauseous, I'm fine." Emily took your hand.

"I'm so proud of you. Whatever you need, I will give to you. I want to make this easier however I can. I—I know it's still really early, but I need it to be clear that I'm ready and willing to help you however you need or want." Tears pooled in your eyes. "I love you, pretty girl."

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