chapter fifty-four // hold you forever

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Maia was balanced on your hip, held by your inner arm as your hands cooked breakfast. "Oh, Mommy's makin' breakfast! Oh, Mommy loves you so much, my sweet little girl!" Emily came up with a grin and took Maia from you. "Thanks, love,"

"Uh huh! Oh, c'mere, lovey," she groaned. "My sweet baby girl. I give you a kiss, lovey?" Emily kissed Maia on the head. Maia smiled and laughed, and the sound sent you over the moon.

You could listen to Emily be sweet with her until the day you died. No amount of your wife and daughter could ever be too much.

"Ohhhh, my little one, you're just the best little girl in the whole world, aren't you? Yes! Oh, and you know who Mama loves so, so much? Well...Mama loves your Daddy, and I love your Mommy, and you know who else I love?" Emily took in a big dramatic breath. "Mama loves you! Oh, my sweet little princess, aren't you Mama's favorite little girl?"

You were beaming at her as you plated the eggs. Spencer was going in to get some paperwork, so he had to eat fast. He ran down the stairs, fully dressed.

"I'm so sorry, I would've helped—"

"Spence, don't freak out, you're fine," you chuckled when he sat at the table. Emily strapped Maia into her high chair and put small pieces of chopped banana and seedless watermelon on the tray.

"Good morning, ladies. Good morning, Maia, how are you this morning?" he asked as if she could respond. She babbled to him and laughed. Boy, did your little one love to laugh. He shoved the food into his mouth, taking under five minutes before he left for work. "I'll be back by noon!"

"Bye, Spencer!"


Maia kept crawling off her playmat and around the room. Before she could get too far, you'd get up and pick her up, making her giggle and want to do it again. "Maia, my lovey, no, no." You sit back on the couch with her on your lap. She's wiggling and laughing. You scrunch your face and stick your tongue out at her, and she copies you and giggles.

Emily comes in and sits next to you, taking Maia from you. You scoff and smile. "Mama steal you? Did she get you?" You tickle your daughter. "Oh, Mama got you, pretty girl!"

"How is she?"

"She's bein' silly," you laugh. "Crawlin' away, y'know,"

"Who's her Mommy's little girl?" Emily shook her leg so Maia would bounce just a little. "Who's Mama's little girl? That's you, my little girl!" Emily exclaimed. You tickled Maia and she started crying.

"Aw, poor baby," you cooed. "She's overtired,"

"Yeah," said Emily. She held Maia and rocked her for about fifteen minutes while you both watched TV on a low volume. "Shh...shh..."

The fridge ice maker, the goddamn ice.

"Shit!" Emily whispered. "Oh, baby, shh, it's okay, nothing scary, shh..." Maia continued to wail and you saw Emily growing weary. After this long together, you knew it was probably a headache. And since it was this obvious, it was likely pretty bad.

"Ems, you want an Advil or something?" you ask her.

"Uh, can you just take her? I'll get it." You nod and take a crying Maia from her.

"Oh, hey, there, lovey, you're okay, yeah? Shh, shh, Mommy's here, Mommy's got you, lovey, you're okay, shh."

Maia quiets at last and as Emily comes back to sit with you, your perfect little girl falls asleep in your arms. You sway with her until Emily's about to sit down. You get up, whisper, "I got it," and shoot her a smile.

You carry Maia into her nursery and lower her into the crib. "Goodnight, baby," you mouth. You close the shade so the sun doesn't wake her up and leave the nightlight on.

"Thank you, my love," Emily says softly when you exit.

"Of course, babe." You stroke her hair and she lays her head on your shoulder. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Just a headache, baby, I like it when you hold me,"

"Then I'll hold you forever, angel."

Eventually Emily falls asleep in your grasp, and you follow soon thereafter. You don't remember your dream but wake up feeling fine, emotionally. Before you remember that she's there, you stir and Emily mumbles, "Mm, you're warm, don't leave me,"

"I won't, angel." Emily turns her head up and kisses you. "I love you so much," you tell her.

"I love you, baby," she mumbled. The door swung open and Spencer walked in with some work.

"Hi, Spence," you say. "Maia's asleep,"

"I figured. You wouldn't lay like that if she was awake, you never do." You smile and sit up, Emily's head lingering on your chest for a little bit. "Oh, don't move on my account." Spencer sat beside you guys and opened a book, which he finished in ten minutes.


Spencer had a room where he kept all his books, and he went up there to work. He called it his study. You and Emily were left on the couch again, your daughter sleeping and her father working away. 

"Did you sleep or did I just commandeer your titties to use as a pillow?" Emily asked. You smiled and kissed her.

"No, I slept,"

"How'd you sleep?"


"No nightmare?"

"No, Emsy, I'm fine," you tell her. "We sleep a lot," you laugh. Emily chuckles.

"We have a seven-month-old, I think it's okay if we take some naps, love."

You spend the day relaxing and later playing with your daughter, unexcited about returning to work the next day.


did you guys know james cameron (the movie director) was the first person to ever solo dive into the deepest part of the mariana trench??? 

i learned that from the passage on my ELA standardized test this morning, why the fuck...was it JAMES CAMERON??

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