chapter twenty-nine // fever

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That night you arrived back at home. You hadn't called, but texted to let her know you were coming home, because she would likely be asleep. You walk through the dark apartment to an empty bed and your stomach drops. Don't panic, you say to yourself. "Emily! Em, you here?"

"Huh?" Her sleepy voice stops your heart. She's on the couch, you've woken her up. "Y/N,"

"God, Em, you scared me. Hey, baby, I'm sorry for waking you up. I couldn't find you, I just got scared,"

"Oh, okay..." She's still half-asleep.

"C'mon, angel, let's get you into bed, hmm?"

"I love you..." She drags out the vowels and you crack a smile.

"I love you back. Now let's go to bed, baby, I'm tired,"

"How was the case?" she murmurs. You have your arms around her to take her into bed.

"Short," you reply.


"How are you feeling?"

"Bad." You kiss her temple and she grabs your hand. "Still running a fever, I think,"

"Yeah. Do you need anything? Advil, water, tea?"

"Mm-mm, sleep. I need to sleep,"

"All right, angel." She crawls into bed. "Are you cold?"

"Mm," she affirmed. You feel her forehead.

"Will you please at least take something for your fever?" She nods and closes her eyes. You get Tylenol and the thermometer from the bathroom and a glass of water. "Here, love." You stick the thermometer under her tongue and wait for a moment. "101.7." Emily groans in response, making you smile. She takes the Tylenol and you put the bottle and thermometer back in the medicine cabinet. Her face is flushed, and she's shaking with chills. You get in bed beside her and put your arms around her, protecting her from some invisible malice.

"Thank you,"

"You're welcome, love. Tomorrow's Sunday, we're home. You'd be home regardless, but..." She smiles. "Good night, my love."

Emily falls asleep fast, but you stay up for a little while to make sure she's alright. When all seems fine, and you can hear her quiet breathing, you kiss the crown of her head, squeeze your arm around her, and adjust to a more comfortable position to sleep in. Carefully you roll onto your side, putting your left hand under your pillow beneath your head, and your right arm over your poor wife.

She looks upset when you awaken. "What's wrong, baby? You feel sick?" Emily dug her head into your chest. "Aw, Em." She shook her head. "Sick or nightmare?"

"Both." You kiss her. She isn't even close to crying but she's close to breaking apart. Emily doesn't handle being sick well, you've known this forever, so you treat her with kid gloves. "I'm sorry,"

"Shh, angel, you're okay. I'm here. We can just lay here all day. You wanna go back to sleep?"


"M'kay. You wanna tell me what hurts?"

"Head. Stomach. My entire body." You crack up and she tries to laugh with you. "Really not funny," she chuckles. Your fingers journey under her shirt, glazing her belly. You're not trying anything but to make her feel better. "I love you,"

"I love you, too, angel. You know, even when you're sick, you're the most incredible girl in the world?" Emily smiles a little. "You are! Having a fever doesn't mean you're not wonderful, not to mention drop-dead gorgeous. Fever makes you even hotter, actually." Emily busts out laughing and rolls over. 

"You're so stupid. Thank you for that. How do you always know how to make me feel better?" You smile, roll over, and play with her hair. 

"Because I am your wife, baby," 

Emily won't eat, so you make something for yourself for breakfast. Emily's fallen asleep while you're eating; you dare not disturb her, and turn the TV on and sit on the couch. An hour after you left her to make breakfast, she comes out and sits next to you, pulling the blanket you have over herself as well. "Why were you so needing to talk to me the other night?" You look down at her ring, as her hand is on your leg. You spin your own ring around your finger. "Your text seemed really upset, love,"

"Nothing. I was just worried about you." Emily rests her fingertips on your chin, pulling you to look at her. 

"Did you have a nightmare?" You can't keep your eyes on her but you nod. "About me?" She sighs knowingly at your non-answer.

"I'm okay, Em, I just needed to know you were safe." Emily rubs your leg and nods. 

"As long as you're okay. Please tell me when you're upset, my love." You smile and kiss Emily's forehead. Though the point was affection and not checking her temperature, you notice moisture. She hasn't taken anything for her fever since eleven the night before, so nothing's reducing her fever. You furrow your brow and get up, on your way to the bathroom, and the smile drops from Emily's face. "What are you doing?"

"Checking your temp, I think you're sweating out your fever." Emily puts her hand to her forehead. "That's good." Again you put the thermometer under her tongue and Emily stares at it before looking up at you. "99.1. Little on the high side, but you're coming out of it,"

"Still feel like shit," she grumbles.

"I know, baby, you're okay." You push her hair behind her ears and kiss her forehead again. "Cold?"

"I'm freezing," she confirms. You pull the blanket up to her neck and she snuggles up to you, her head against your breast. She doesn't fall asleep, as she so often does, but lies with you without words for a while. Perfection.

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