chapter twenty-six // princess

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i'm really sorry for not updating, but thank you so much for 700 reads :) it's a difficult time for me and this means a lot. my motivation to write has been 📉📈📉📈📉📈


- three weeks later -

"Hey, beautiful," you say when she comes home, shutting your book.


"Before you ask, Emmy, no, I didn't spend the whole day in bed waiting for my beautiful wife to come home. I had mac and cheese for lunch, and I watched John Mulaney's "New in Town". And I walked around the apartment so I wasn't stationary. Even sat on the balcony and started rereading The Handmaid's Tale for the millionth time. How was your day, love?" Emily sighed, climbed into bed to sit with you, and pushed your hair out of your eyes.

"It was fine. I missed you, as always,"

"I missed you, too. And your beautiful face,"

"Why all the compliments today, my love?" she asked with a smile. "Not that I don't enjoy it,"

"Because I don't want you to ever forget how much I love you," you cooed, pulling her in for a long kiss, the most passionate you'd shared in a month.

"Oh, honey, how could I forget?" Your eyes meet here and you both smile. "Uh, how are you feeling?"

"Fine. Haven't taken anything since you left this morning,"

"Really? And you're not hurting?" Emily's fingers slipped under your shirt and grazed your scars on your abdomen.

"No. I'll take it tonight, 'cause I can feel it creeping up, but I'm fine,"

"You're so strong, you know that? Three weeks ago you were on the bathroom floor crying, honey, now look at you." You shifted and looked away. It hurt to talk about. "You good?"

"I don't wanna talk about it, okay?"

"Yeah, I got it, I'm sorry. But I'm so proud of how far you've come, baby. Hey. Hey, look at me." You turn to look at her, tears slightly threatening. "Are you gonna be okay tomorrow?" You nod and reduce her fears with a smile.


"Oh! Oh, my god, Y/N, it's really you, you're here, at—at work! Come here, my pretty!" Garcia hugged you with a giant grin. "Oh! How have you been? Well, obviously, besides all the..." She gestured towards your stab wounds.

"I'm doing good! How's my Penny G?" She smiled.

"Good! Better, now that you're here! Uh, everyone's gonna be super happy to see you, come on." You and Emily exchanged a smile before she put her arm around your shoulders, taking you into the office behind Penelope. "Guys! Look who's back!"

"Hey, pretty mama," Morgan chuckled, bear-hugging you.

"Hey, Derek, how's it going?"

"Good. You?"

"Good, I'm good. Hey, Spence." He nodded to you.

"It's really good to see you, Y/N,"

"You too." You smiled.

"Y/N, it's so good to have you back," JJ exclaimed with a huge hug. "Are you feeling better?"

"So much better. How are all of you guys?"

"Everyone's great," said JJ, "Hotch and Rossi are in a budget meeting, but they should be done pretty soon. Henry wonders if you really liked the dinosaur he gave you,"

"Oh, I treasure it, tell him I absolutely love it,"

"It stays in our bed with us," Emily laughed and rolled her eyes. You felt her arm around your waist. So protective.


The first day back was taxing, to say the least. The team was consulting on a case in Missouri, but didn't have to fly out. As you and Emily went home, she saw you nearly dozing off in the car. "You alright, honey?" she chuckled. You raised your eyebrows and nodded. "My baby's tired, isn't she?"

"Yeah," you pouted. Emily smiled.

That night, when you went into bed, Emily played with your hair and kissed your face all over. You didn't do anything to stop her, it was relaxing. "You treat me like a princess, Emmy, what did I ever do to deserve you?"

"Y/N, you're my princess." She grabbed you and pulled you closer. "And I love Her Royal Highness,"

"And she loves you, my dear." You kiss your wife and you both fall asleep in the other's arms.

always been mine - emily prentiss x readerWhere stories live. Discover now