chapter sixty-eight // second-luckiest

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this chapter talks about menstruation a bit, mostly just pain, but if that makes you uncomfy you won't miss much if you'd rather skip it. it's just fluffy shit anyway 🥰


"Oh, I'm sorry, love, I tried not to wake you up, I'm sorry. Go back to sleep, sweetheart,"


"Yeah, yeah, you're okay, sweetheart." She sat on the bed and rubbed your back, as you laid on your side facing her. "Jayje and I've gotta go soon. What's on the agenda for you today?"

"Mm. Nothing today. Maybe try to fix things with Nate temporarily, but that feels optional." You were attempting to laugh. She chuckled.

"Glad to see you're still yourself, cracking jokes. Do what feels right. If you need to lay in bed all day, then you do that, alright? If you need anything, if something happens, call me, baby. Love you always,"

"Love you."

She and JJ left you to go work the case, and all you could do was curl up in bed, looking at the same pictures of variations on the cast of Maia, Emily, Spencer, and yourself; photos you always took with you. Just in case you ever needed a reminder of why you did this job, what you loved so hard that it was worth living to the fullest for.

Lord, if there was ever a time for a pick-me-up, it was this moment.

Your tiny girl had grown so, so much over the past year. You noticed the change in Emily, too. She'd gone from overjoyed to unhealthily exhausted to recovering to burned out to unbelievably proud of all her daughter's accomplishments. And through every photo, there was that dazzling smile you couldn't get enough of. She was proud to be Maia's mother, proud to be your wife.

You woke up to rustling noises in the room. You were terrified to move.

Where was your gun?

Who was there? Maybe if they just robbed you it would be fine. I mean, what else could you really do at that point? Get shot?

That's when you heard it. "I love you, angel." Thank. Fucking. Christ.

"Em, thank god," you sighed deeply. You rolled over and saw her.

"Hey, baby, I just came to grab Advil. No one had any, here was closer than the pharmacy. I thought I brought some with me, but..."

"That bad, huh?" She scrunched up her face and nodded. "Aw, baby, I hope you feel better," you said.

"Thanks, darling. Kiss before I go?" You nodded and got up to kiss her. Your hands found her abdomen and lower back, you knew that was probably where she was hurting the most. "I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have you as my wife." She could always put a sweet smile on your face.

"Oh, no, angel, that honor goes to me. You're my love. You can be the second-luckiest woman in the world. I know you've gotta go, angel,"

"Yeah," she sighed with happy tears in her eyes. You wiped them away and she smiled. "Sorry. I'm emotional, it's so stupid," she laughed.

"Oh, no, angel, it's alright. Hey, you gotta get going, right?"


"'Kay. I love you, honey. I hope you don't feel too shitty. Love you,"

"Love you, too, baby, bye."


You did not make amends with Nate. That bitch could take a long walk off a short pier.

Everything that had happened caught up to you. Again you barely ate, sleeping for much of the day and trying to rid yourself of a tension headache without the Advil Emily had taken. When the ladies got back around midnight, you took some Advil and Emily curled up in bed next to you, whining.

"Aw, baby?" you cooed. It felt good to take care of her. It felt good to be useful when you didn't know what else to do with yourself. She kind of cried, dry sobbing while curled into a ball on her side on the bed. You looked over at JJ.

"Did you take any of this, angel?" you asked about the Advil bottle. She nodded.

"Mhm!" Emily said. JJ confirmed this with a nod.

"And it didn't help?"

"Most certainly did not," JJ replied quietly. "Probably just tired, she needs her rest,"

"Yeah," you agreed, "you know how tired you get on cases, Ems, you work so hard. And being on your period certainly does not help the situation," you chuckled. She smiled through her pain. "Here, sweet girl." You rubbed her belly and she mumbled something kind. "Hmm?"

"You're so good to me, you're the love of my life, I love you so much." You smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, Emsy. Let's go to sleep."

"JJ..." JJ smiled and came over to lay with you guys. "I love you both,"

"Love you, Em. And you, Y/N,"

"I love both of you, too. Good night, babes."

Emily deserved all the love in the world, especially when she was in so much pain and sensitivity. Your darling. "Emmy, your body is so beautiful. You're so pretty, love, I can't get enough of you," you told her sleepily in the morning. She dug her head into your neck as she was still half-asleep. "You're good, angel, you've got a perfect mind and body and soul. You're the best." JJ was still partially asleep too, so she didn't respond.

"I love you, angel," murmured Emily into your neck.

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