chapter thirty-five // lauren

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"'I will start with the fact that I am homeless. As that is a given. Then for backstory I will pepper in the fact that I am gay.'"

Your phone starts ringing, and Emily gets up to get it. You pause the TV and Emily comes back in with your phone on speaker. "Yeah, Hotch? You've got both of us,"

"We need everyone at Quantico, we've got a case, get down here ASAP,"

"Alright, we'll be there soon, thanks, Hotch." She hangs up and sighs. "C'mon, baby." She grabs your hands and pulls you to your feet, plantings a kiss on your lips before dragging you to the bedroom to get dressed.

"Don't make me take off the hoodie," you whine. She smiles and pulls it off you, tossing it on the bed. You both get ready for work begrudgingly.

It's just past noon when you leave, but you stop at Dunkin' Donuts to get coffee anyway. You hold hands in the elevator, an act of professional gay defiance, and your wife pulls your right hand up to kiss it.

You follow her into the bullpen, sad she's no longer holding your hand, and most of the team is sitting around the desks. "Morgan's not here yet?" you ask.

"No, he said he's on his way," JJ answered. Spencer looks at you then refocuses on the carpet. Whatever you say can't make him feel any better. You rock back and forth on your heels until Hotch calls you all in.

You're investigating house fires, and you see Emily's slight discomfort over the next few days. You pulled her aside, and Spencer left the area to go talk to JJ. "Em, are you okay? You've been acting weird, baby, I'm worried about you." You rubbed her arm, and she grabbed your wrist to stop you, a reassuring smile plastered on her face. 

"I'm good, love." Upon examining her face you find her empty eyes hiding something.


"Honey, if something's wrong, I will let you know. I love you, alright? We should get back to work." She left to go sit at her desk. She never leaves without letting you respond that you love her. You're left standing there like an idiot, mouth slightly agape. 

"Y/N?" Spencer's voice is normally a welcome noise, but right now, you doubt he could say anything. "Y/N." You turn around.

"What?" Your face falls in hasty apology. "I'm sorry, that sounded really hostile, I didn't mean—"

"No, it's— it's fine. Are you okay?" You nod and push your hair out of your face, showing Spencer the same empty smile Emily'd just shown you.

"I'm fine, Spence,"

"Are you sure? You look upset,"

"I'm fine," you repeat. He knows better than to press. "Are you okay? I know...I know you and Morgan have been..."

"Yeah. Yeah, we're just...decompressing. I think, I think I really messed things up with him, Y/N." You don't have the emotional capacity for this, between the case and Emily, but you can't let him just be like this. 

"What happened?"

"I...I told him he shouldn't have used you like that, and that if..." Spencer sighs, knowing he's in the wrong. "If he's willing to put my best friends' marriage in the crossfire, what does he think of me? Because he never does something without thinking about how it would feel." You stare, trying hard not to tell him you think he's wrong. "I know. But...I don't know how to make it right,"

"Spence, do you want my supportive friend answer or my honest answer?"

"Honest." You raise your eyebrows and shake your head, staring away from him. 

"All right. You, you kinda fucked up. I can see where you're coming from, like I understand your point of view, but that's not what he was doing. It was empty promises to a serial killer, Spence. He didn't put my marriage on the line. There never even was a line. He just said all that to get Adam to let me go. And I'm still alive, aren't I? I might not be if it weren't for Derek,"

"Don't say that,"

"It's the truth. My opinion?" He nods. "You should apologize. Seriously. Apologize hard." Spencer nods, his frog smile on his face. It makes you smile. You touch his nose and he closes his eyes, now with a genuine smile. "You know I love you, you loser, but you need to go apologize to your boyfriend."

It's a long night, and you go home to shower around midnight. Unbeknownst to you, Emily goes to get coffee and sits outside. A man sits across from her. "Hello, Lauren."


okay i think we can all see where this is going can't we

always been mine - emily prentiss x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon