chapter seventy-two // hey, babies

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The meds the doctor had prescribed started giving you migraines, and you ceased taking them. You were back to your severe morning sickness, and Emily hated being so helpless. You were only eleven weeks along, and you felt like you did at the end of your first pregnancy: exhausted, exasperated, backached, yet eager to meet the tiny humans inside of you.

You got out of bed in the night to use the bathroom — a frequent occurrence — and came back without ever waking Emily. In the morning, though, you heard her whispering, her head at your breasts, hallways down to your little bump. It became apparent that she was talking to the babies.

"Your mommy, she's working really really hard making you. And she's doing a super good job, isn't she? Mhm. Yeah, she's a superhero. I'm really happy I married her. And I'm so excited to be your mama and get to hold you and kiss you and feed you and watch you grow up. Your big sister, well, she's kind of the coolest. Besides your mommy. Mommy's badass.

"Daddy's excited to meet you, too. We've got a lot of time, though, take your time, little ones. And Auntie JJ's pretty cool. Can you, can you babies do something for me? It might sound like a lot to ask, but..." You didn't move so she didn't stop speaking so nicely.

"Your mom's been feeling really sick lately. She can't take medicine for it 'cause it makes her feel bad. You gotta go easy on her, alright? She's very, very happy to be your mommy, and she's working super duper hard to make you, her body's doing everything to make sure you're two well-developed little kids in a few months. It's only been eleven weeks, babes, you think you can do Mama a favor and take it easy? Mommy's been really sick lately. And her morning sickness isn't slowing down like it did last time. Cut her some slack?

"Mommy's awesome, you know. She's a nice lady. She gives me a lot of kisses, and she'll give you kisses when you meet her, too. Ask your sister. Be nice to your mommy. She's doing her best to be positive but I know she's hurting most of the time. This is really hard for her, this one's rough, my lovelies. Be good to her for me, okay? Mama loves you so much. Go easy on Mommy." She rubbed your belly and heard you sniffle. "Fuck, morning, darling,"

"How often do you do that?" you asked as you cried. She pushed up to be even with your face. "Talk to them?"

"Most of the time you're asleep that I'm not. How often do you hear it?"

"This was the first time,"

"Hmm. I was just telling them how much I love them and how you're the best mommy in the whole world." You grinned and kissed her.

"I heard. I love you, Emily."


She wanted to make chicken for dinner, a recent aversion of yours. "Emily, if I have chicken I will throw up,"

"What would you like, then?"

"Uh...I, I don't know,"

"Pancakes!" Maia shouted as she ran into the kitchen at your feet. "Mommy, you tummy big!" You picked her up and put her on your hip. You, Spencer, and Emily had agreed to tell Maia whenever you felt ready. You sat in a chair with her on your lap.

"Mommy..." Emily nodded at you. "Mommy's gonna have babies,"

"That's why you tummy big?"

"Yeah," you giggled, "that's why Mommy's tummy's bigger. And it's gonna keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger until one day—" You tickled her lightly. "Miss Maia is gonna be a big sister to two little babies!" She giggled and touched your belly.

"We eat pancakes for dinner?"

"Yes, милая, we can have pancakes. Mommy loves you,"

"I love you, Mommy!" She kissed your cheek. "I love babies!" She kissed your belly. "I love Mama!" She wiggled away and reached up so Emily would pick her up. Maia kissed her cheek and poked her belly. "No babies?"

"No," Emily laughed, "No babies in Mama's tummy. Only Mommy's tummy has babies,"

"No Daddy?"

"No, no, not Daddy, either. Only Mommy. Just Mommy has babies,"

"Oh. Mommy have babies? Big belly babies,"

"Uh-huh. Maia, lovey, how about you go tell Daddy about the babies? I'm sure Daddy wants to hear about them." Emily looked at you after she finished speaking, starting to grab things to make pancakes out of the cabinets and fridge.

Maia ran off, yelling, "Daddy! Babies! Mommy's tummy! Babies!"

You looked up at Emily, both of you making the face that you made whenever Maia did something utterly precious. "She's so sweet," you said, putting your hand to your heart.

"She's gonna be a great big sister,"

"Oh, I know," you cooed. Maia, your sweet baby girl, wasn't going to be the baby anymore.

always been mine - emily prentiss x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora