chapter sixty-five // how to get away with murder

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i work as a gymnastics teacher and this morning i had a pre-k class guys they're so mf cute i can't 🥺

okay so ANYWAY i'm not about to search shows from whatever year this takes place in so let's pretend some shows are around because idk fuck you


She loved when your head was in her lap. Emily took care of you and she cherished every moment of it. Her gentle hands stroked your body as she tried to keep you happy. You were fast asleep, and she was concerned you'd wake upset about a nightmare.

And she was correct. You let the tears fall and sat up so your wife could hug you tightly. "Oh, baby, you're's just you and me,'re safe here with me, I promise..."


Her heart was broken. Her poor girl. "Y/N, I'm here for you, my love, you're doing so good for me, baby."

With numerous kisses to your head, Emily rocked side-to-side with you and hummed softly. Her arms were around you and her hands stroked your arms in comfort. In your overwhelmed emotional state, it was difficult to find the right words. But Emily was used to this, and she just held you and kissed you and let you do what you needed to cope. You liked praise, she knew, so she gave you a boatload. Many of the same things she always said, but they never got old.

"My love, you're so strong, you know, sweetheart? I love you so much. You know how to make me smile all the time, baby, and you can get me to laugh even on my worst days. You're so important to me. You're doing so good. You're a good girl, yeah? My perfect girl. I love you, darling, I can't believe I ever lived without getting to hold you every day. I love how much you care for me, and for our little baby daughter. I'm grateful every day that you and I get to have a family together. My strong girl. I don't..." Emily chuckled. "I don't know how you got through your pregnancy. I know it was tough on you. You did such a great job, my love. And look at everything you've been through. To still be able to sit here, with me, in the house we share with people we're perfect, darling. I love you so much, baby, I love you..."

"Ems," you croaked. She stopped talking. "I love you." She kissed your head and smiled.

"I love you, Y/N. Do you need something right now?" 


"Okay, my love. You wanna just sit here or you wanna go into bed?"


"Okay. That's perfectly alright, my love. I love sitting with you, pretty girl. Are you thirsty?" You didn't want her to leave, so you shook your head. "Alright. I'm assuming you don't wanna go back to sleep?"


"Thought so. How 'bout we watch TV, beautiful?" 


"Yeah. We can sit, watch TV, calm down a little. That sound good, my love? I hate when you're so upset. I want you to feel okay, baby,"

"Mhm. Love you, Emmy,"

"I love you, sweetheart. What do you wanna watch?"

"How to Get Away with Murder,"

"Mm. Good choice." She put on the first episode so you could binge-watch it again together. "Viola Davis is a national treasure," Emily commented at one point.

"She is!" you cried out. You and Emily both started laughing. "Thank you, Emmy. I love you,"

"I love you, too, Y/N."


JJ came home with Henry in the afternoon, and Emily paused the show so he didn't get exposed to all that. As if he didn't live with four FBI agents. "Hey, ladies," greeted JJ.

"Aunties!" Henry jumped up in your laps. "Mommy take me to get lunch!"

"Yeah?" you chuckled, squeezing him into a massive hug. 

"Was that good?"

"Yeah! Where Maia?"

"Maia and Uncle Spencer are on a plane right now," explained Emily in a childish voice. "They're going to see Uncle Spencer's mommy,"

"Ohhh..." Henry was dazzled by the concept of flying on a plane. He was just adorable. "Auntie, let go of me, I go get you Fruit Roll-Ups!" He hopped down and ran off to the kitchen. You all laughed to see him so excited. JJ had her hands on her hips and a winning smile. 

"Someone looks happy," commented Emily.


"Congrats, Jayje," you said, standing up and hugging her. She wept into your embrace. "Oh, honey..."

"I'm so relieved, you can't even imagine, god...that fucking bitch-ass, I can't say anything about him to Henry 'cause I don't wanna do that to him, especially not so young, but I—" Emily put a hand on her back and stopped her.

"Honey. You won. It's over. You got your son." JJ nodded, turning away from you to hug Emily. "I'm sorry we weren't there for you,"

"Fuck, don't apologize." JJ looked at you. "I would never put you through that. That's awful. Don't give it a second thought,"

"Yeah?" you asked.

"I live with you, for god's sake, I know you're here for me. Besides, if you had to sit there, I would feel guilty. I faced him. And Henry...he'll be okay. He doesn't really understand." JJ looked between you. "I'm so sorry for all the trouble this has been for you guys. I really am, I'm so, so, sorry. I didn't want any of this. Thank you for being so welcoming, and kind, and..."

"Jayje, we love you. We didn't have to think twice about it," you told her.

"But you—"

"It's not your fault. It's that motherfucker's—"

"I got Fruit Roll-Ups, you want them?" Henry ran in and his tiny hands gave you the snack. You stopped and hoped he hadn't heard you cursing about his father. "Here!"

"Why, thank you, Mister Henry! That's very thoughtful." He grinned at you, full of pride. JJ's sweet little boy. 

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