*chapter fifteen // rebound

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smut warning! smut warning as FUCK

also i do like will lamontagne i just had this chapter idea and needed a reason for it to happen so...he cheated on jj 

i'm so sorry about the absolute wreckage i'm about to do to this man

no disrespect to billy lemontits the third or whatever i love our southern boy i'm sorry lmfao


Emily threw on a pair of sweatpants and your old hoodie, which was a little too small for her, and went to the door. Her hair was a mess but she didn't have time to fix it. 


"Hey, Emily, I'm sorry for just coming over like this, I know I should've called first— you look like you just got up, did I wake you up? I'm so sorry,"

"No, no, Y/N and I were just having a lazy morning, what's going on?"

"Uh, I..." Emily let JJ come in. "I was just driving around, trying to take my mind off Will, and I realized I was here. I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be here—"

"No, JJ, it's fine, you're upset, we want to help you. It's your first weekend since..."

"Yeah. He moved out yesterday, and he's having a housewarming party so he's got Henry today." JJ and Will had separated because Will had been cheating while JJ was away on work. They'd tried to work it out, but JJ put her foot down. They'd recently settled the custody arrangement for Henry, but she'd let Will stay in the house until it was finalized because she didn't want Henry to be living with Will in a new place before everything was fully settled with the court. She just wanted her son to be safe, and she would sacrifice her happiness for her son in an instant.

"JJ, I'm so sorry, let me just go tell Y/N that you're here, you can sit if you want." Emily came in and shut the door, throwing clothes at you and whispering the explanation. 


We all had a midday glass of red wine and trash-talked Will for a while, sitting on the floor as if we were having a gossipy picnic. "You wanna know something?" JJ said with a regretful grin on her face. "He was a nice guy, or at least I thought he was, but you know what? The sex...was awful,"

"Really!" you laugh.

"Awful. Listen, I love my son more than anyone else on the planet, but Will was in and out in thirty seconds that night, maximum,"

"Jesus," Emily sighed, shaking her head. "Men suck,"

"Oh, no, they do not," JJ replied. You choked on your wine. All three of you laughed and you laid down with your head in Emily's lap. She stroked your hair.

"Ugly-ass bitch," you comment on Will. "You're lucky Henry looks like you,"

"I don't even know how he got someone to cheat on me with, like..." She held up her fingers to count the reasons. "He's not that handsome, he's never lasted longer than three minutes...he's ugly,"

"You already said that," Emily pointed out.

"It bears repeating," you said. "Fuck, you were faithful, right? You must not have had good sex in years,"

"No, and I'm not about to either." You and Emily looked at her with confusion. "I'm not about to go have rebound sex with some stranger to get over my shitty ex. But honestly, at this point, anything would be better than four long, orgasm-less years of Detective Louisiana." You laugh and look JJ up and down. "But anyway, how are you guys doing?" You sit up, now independent of Emily.

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