Romancing Professor Potter (Harry Potter)

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... surprise? 

Did I have this written up for the past few days? Yes. Did I wait until today, the 12th, to post it so I wasn't a liar? Also yes.

This is the first one shot I've managed to complete in YEARS, and it's not completely up to scratch but I hope it's decent, at least. I'm slowly getting back into the swing of writing but I won't lie, I don't think I'll be posting quite as frequently as I used to. Sadly, adult life doesn't make writing easy. 

This one was requested by kkylajjones, sorry for the ridiculously long wait

Now, my lovely fawns, please enjoy this not so short story about Professor Potter. Please leave plenty of comments, they feed the struggling writer in me ~


The castle hadn't changed - which made sense considering just how old it was.

If it hadn't changed in all the hundreds of years it had been standing, then how could I have expected it to change in the five years since I'd left its halls as a graduated seventh year, just one year after it had been broken into pieces the year before. It remained the same and yet, as I stood in the entrance hall, returning for the first time, now as s a Professor, something felt different. On some level, I'd expected to feel like I was coming home, but my time away had changed that. It didn't feel like coming home, but like coming back to a favourite place.

"Miss Jones?" The call of my name took me back years, back to a Transfiguration classroom with Professor McGonagall calling on me to answer a question. The very same woman was approaching me now with a wisened smile and the same knowing look. "Welcome back."

"Thank you, Professor," I said, meeting her halfway. Her approach had stopped my appraisal of the hallways.

"I apologise for making you wait," she started, turning around and beginning to escort me further into the school. Briefly, I wondered where we were headed but I followed her regardless. "There were some logistics issues I needed to work out before welcoming you."

"It's fine, Professor." I hurriedly corrected myself, "Headmistress."

McGonagall's smile widened just a little at my abrupt correction, but she said nothing of it. Instead, she continued, "I have been anticipating your arrival, Miss Jones."

"My arrival?"

"Since I retired from the position of Transfiguration Professor, my replacements have not been ... the most reliable. I'm certain you will be a better addition to our staff." Her voice was factual, no flattery to be detected, but I still flushed pleasantly under her approval nonetheless. Here I was, transported once more back to being a student and being so easily pleased by a teacher's approval. Helga, some things never changed.

"Unfortunately," the heavy sigh McGonagall gave suddenly brought me back from my thoughts. My mind, instantly wondering what sorts of bad situations could have caused such a heavy sigh, hoped this was not the moment where she told me that I had been mistaken and I wasn't employed here. "Unfortunately the logistical issues that I previously referred to still require my attention and so I won't be the one to escort you to your new chambers."

"Of course, that's no issue." Merlin, I was just so relieved that she hadn't told me this had been such a mistake. I was just grateful to be here, and I didn't mind having to explore the castle on my own for a bit.

"I'd enlisted the help of another member of staff. Professor Potter will be the one to show you around." She withdrew a pocket watch from her robes, staring down at it with pinched lips. "Although, he does seem to be running late as well."

Harry Potter One Shots (Vol. I)Where stories live. Discover now