Amnesia (James Potter)

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It was fairly common knowledge that there was nothing better than a quidditch match to kick start the weekend. But it was made even better when it sunny outside. Everyone was sitting in the stands, talking between one another as the two teams warmed up behind the scenes. Closing my eyes I tilted my head up to the sky in order to feel the warmth on my face, a smile instantly making its way onto my face.

"Oi." There was a sharp jab to my side. Opening my eyes I turned to look back at the girl sitting beside me.

"What's the matter?" I asked when Greta raised an eyebrow at me.

"You were going to miss the start of the match." She said as an explanation.

I looked back to the pitch and saw that she had been right. Whilst I had been lost in my own world the two teams had made their way onto the pitch and were preparing to take to the sky. Settling onto their broomsticks they rose to the sky and waited for the release of the golden snitch.

"Gryffindor!" There was a mighty shout from beside me, making me flinch.

"Don't let anyone else here you cheering for the opposite team - they'll call you out on treason," I remarked lightly, watching as the chasers from both teams tried to outmanoeuvre each other. One trying to keep a hold of the quaffle and the other trying to snatch it away. "Is Gryffindor your flavour of the month then?"

"Yes." She said instantly.

I rolled my eyes watching as Potter stole the quaffle away from one of the Ravenclaw chasers. Turning his broom swiftly he flew back to the direction of the goal hoops. He scored the first goal effortlessly, the quaffle slipping through the keepers outstretched hands. He turned back instantly, a small smirk playing on his lips.

The moment that Potter flew away from the goal hoops and in pursuit of the quaffle he was being attacked repeatedly by the bludgers. He swerved through them quickly and I glanced around at the pitch, looking at the positioning of the other players.

"Where are the Gryffindor beaters?" I muttered, not seeing the beaters anywhere in sight.

The Gryffindor beaters were trying to intercept the bludgers and protect their highest scoring chaser from the onslaught of hits. But it was no use. Potter was continually pelted with bludgers as he fought to dodge every one.

A moment of blind panic crossed his features as a bludgers flew straight at Potter but it was approaching him too quickly for him to be able to avoid it. Potter was unable to duck in time and the bludger caught him in the shoulder. The force behind it was enough to knock him straight off from the broom making him freefall to the ground.

I had always wondered just how dangerous quidditch could actually be and now it appeared that I had my answer.

I watched Potter's rapid descent to the ground, wondering why no one was doing anything to stop it. People were screaming and his teammates appeared to be frozen in fear as they watched their captain fall. All of a sudden the Gryffindor seeker sprang into action, diving down to catch Potter before he hit the ground. He was too late.

Turning away from the pitch I couldn't bring myself to watch as his body made contact with the ground. Hearing some shout, I looked across the other side of the pitch to see the Gryffindor stand erupt into a scuffle. There was some pushing and shoving until Black, Lupin, and Pettigrew were able to push their way through the crowd.

They ran straight onto the pitch and headed for the quidditch players crowding around Potter.

"What's going on?" I asked watching as they pushed people aside, "Is he going to be alright?"

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