Friendly Rivalry (Anthony Goldstein)

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So, I have a bit of bad news - I'm having to extend my 'hiatus' until next Monday. But to make up for it, I'm posting this one shot along with one on Friday. After that I will definitely start posting more regularly ~

This one is about Anthony Goldstein and the idea sort of popped into my head when I was daydreaming one day about how we know next to nothing about the side characters. It gives me more creative licence, I guess, to do what I want with the characters without being accused of making them OOC (*cough* every Tom Riddle one shot *cough*). Anyway I hope you like it!

As I boarded the train for the start of yet another year away at Hogwarts, I wondered exactly what this year was going to entail. Last year had brought with it the horrendous toad who terrorised the entire school. But she was eventually dealt with and after the sudden departure of the Weasley twins, I found myself wishing for a quiet year at Hogwarts. Maybe I'd get that in my fifth year? Finding Ginny and Luna already in a carriage, I let myself in and smiled gratefully when Neville lifted my trunk into the overhead storage shelf.

Sitting down beside the older boy, I listened quietly to the conversation that the other girls had previously been talking about. Apparently, the twins had decided that their legacy needed to continue within the school's walls and their prank supplies were being ordered by the hundreds. Maybe it wasn't going to be a quiet year after all.

There was a prim cough from the doorway and we all looked to the doorway to see Hermione and Ron standing in the doorway.

"Do you need something?" Luna asked the pair as Ron tried to tug on Hermione's arm to get her to leave.

"Wait a minute Ronald," she hissed over her shoulder before she looked back into the carriage, "Shepherd, weren't you made prefect this year?"

"I was," I trailed off uncertainly.

"Well, are you coming or not?" She raised an eyebrow, "To the prefect's meeting?"

"That's now?"

I watched the older girl nod, and wanted to scowl. Why couldn't the meeting have been held once we arrived at the school? Technically, the school year hadn't even started yet and they were already shackling us with responsibilities that I still wasn't sure I was ready to handle. Looking back to Ginny and Luna, I sent them an apologetic smile as I rose to my feet, intending to follow Hermione and Ron.

"I guess I'll see you guys when we get back to the castle," I muttered with a frown, "Unless the meeting finishes earlier."

They were reluctant to let me leave and I was reluctant to leave too. Godric, I hadn't seen Luna and Neville since school had ended and I'd have to put off catching up with them until later on. Looking back to the older prefects, I walked up to them and motioned for them to lead the way.

Hermione went first, showing me the way as she spoke of the duties of a prefect. I loved the girl, truly, but sometimes she had a knack for being really annoying. What was the point in her telling me everything that the letter I'd received had said, all over again?

"What's the point of this meeting?" I asked the silent boy beside me.

Ron rolled his eyes, looking down at me, "I have no bloody idea."

"Then what's the point of having this meeting then?" It seemed like he had no answer to the question either and he shrugged.

"We just have to sit there for a while and listen to the head boy and girl talk about rules and regulations for a bit." Scrunching his nose in distaste, he continued, "We also get our patrol schedules too."

"You're likely to be paired with an older prefect," Hermione said from ahead of us, "That way they'll be able to show you the patrol routes."

"That makes sense, I guess," I acknowledged as we arrived at the carriage where I assumed, the meeting was to be held.

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