Harry the Hero (Harry Potter)

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Quick warning; this one is long

It was another early Monday morning and whilst I would have simply loved to have a lie in for the day, I needed to get Teddy fed and dressed for his first day at Reception. Although, maybe there had been no point in setting an alarm, especially when he came running into my room long before it went off. The door to my room opened with a thump, hitting the wall and I groaned, burying my face into my pillow. Clambering onto my bed, Teddy began to jump up and down as he tried to get me to wake.

"Come on auntie," he singsonged as I finally sat up. "I need to get ready for school."

"You must be the only kid that's so excited on a Monday morning," I muttered, snagging him in my arms and peppering kisses all over his cheeks as he squirmed in my arms, giggling wildly. Once his giggles had subsided, I brushed his unruly hair from his face.

"Now that I'm awake, let's head down for some breakfast," I said as I lowered him from my bed and stood up too. "We don't want to wake grandma up."

"Let's go," he agreed, reaching out to hold my hand and together we walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Once we reached the kitchen, Teddy held his arms up impatiently and I rolled my eyes before lifting him up onto the counter. "So, what do you want for breakfast then, Ed?" He thought for a moment and I hastily added, "No chocolate."

He pouted at me and I crossed my arms, letting him know that I wasn't going to be swayed. "Fine. Pancakes?"

"Pancakes I can do."

As I retrieved the ingredients from the cupboards, I waved my wand at the radio and just like that music filled the kitchen. Teddy instantly began to sing along to the song, dancing from where he was seated and I laughed at the adorable picture he made. Merlin, my sister used to do the same. Fighting a sad smile, I joined Teddy and danced around the kitchen as I made his breakfast. The young boy laughed loudly when I snagged a wooden spoon for him to use as a microphone.

Over the volume of the music I could barely hear the sound of the fireplace activating but I continued to dance around anyway. Putting a pan on the stove, I switched it on before dancing back to Teddy's side to kiss his cheek. He pressed one to my nose as I turned back to the heating pan.


And just like that, at Teddy's squeal, my dancing had stopped and I turned to the doorway of the kitchen to find the boy saviour of the wizarding world whose eyes looked like they were going to bug out at the scene he'd just walked in on. I cleared my throat, tugging my dressing gown tighter around my body.

"What are you doing here?" I asked walking to the stove to pour some batter into the pan.

"I promised I'd see Teddy off for his first day at school," he explained as he stepped into the kitchen, coming to his godson's side.

"It's still a bit early for that," I muttered, flipping the pancake.

"I wanted him here for breakfast," Teddy defended and I wasn't surprised.

Removing the pancake from the pan and plating it, I walked to Teddy's side to pinch his nose teasingly. He swatted my hand away, protesting wildly that he wouldn't do it again.

"Tell me next time, Lupin," I warned teasingly, "What would poor Harry have done if we went out for breakfast today?"

"Sorry," Teddy apologised sounding rather grumpy about having to apologise.

"It's alright," I assured him before turning my eyes to those that had been watching my every move. "You don't mind watching him while I go to change, do you Harry?"

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