Breaking the Deal (Teddy Lupin)

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So, before I begin this one, settle yourselves in for a long author's note my dear fawns.

Firstly, I'm extremely sorry for making you wait so long for this update but hey, I've been working on this one for like 6 hours straight. That makes up for it, right?

Secondly, something happened that I spent ages contemplating whether or not to share it on here. Basically I was revising in the uni library with my friends a couple of days ago when the girls on the table in front of me started talking and for some reason I tuned into their conversation even though I was supposed to be working. But anyway, these girls started talking about Harry Potter one shots and I was thinking girls - you've definitely got my attention now - but then they started talking about a book they found on Wattpad. And that was when I began internally freaking out and arguing inside my head that no it's not yours, don't be so big headed, deer honestly, - except, they went on to mention the author's name. My username. And that was when I began freaking out - whilst trying to act calm on the outside mind you - and they started gushing about my stories and I just turned red and my friends looked at me and wondered if something was wrong, or if I was ill. I just kept stammering that no, I was fine - really. Except I was trying not to freak out because this is the second (?) group of people that I've found in real life that follow me on here. It really is a small world ~

But that brings me on to my next point, over the last few weeks a handful of you have messaged me about drawing fanart for my stories. Feel free! Just remember that when you post them, please tag me or message me so I can gush at how wonderful you all are. Oh, and TheOrangeGryffindor has posted some of the fanart she drew in her book 'Oranges and ADHD' if you want to take a look at it.

Now, the penultimate point before we go onto the one shot, you have no idea how touched I am that some of you write to me to tell me that my work has inspired you to write your own one shots. And not that any of you would know it, but I have your one shot books in my library so I can read them all and watch you grow as writers. I just have one teensy tiny request; I'm alright with you taking inspiration from the way I write, but can you please not copy my story lines? Some of my loyal readers always end up flagging those one shots up to me as plagiarism and I just don't know how to respond in those situations (am I supposed to report it for plagiarism or not?). So please try not to copy my work. As you all know from my author's notes, I've had bad experiences of people plagiarising my work and I'd rather avoid having to go through that all again because as I promised the last time, if it continues to happen I might just pull this entire book from wattpad

Final point, I promise, but whilst I've been procrastinating on starting another essay, I've come up with some ideas for other Harry Potter themed books. I plan on making each of these one shots full length stories (who knows how long that'll take), but there's also so much more I've got planned. God, when did this become a fanfiction account?

Anyway, this Teddy one shot was requested by BeanTown11 who asked for a Slytherin reader who strikes a deal with Teddy. Once again, sorry for that long author's not, but you can finally go on to read the story

Salazar, I hated Defence.

I didn't hate it because I couldn't stand the subject; on the contrary, loved the subject. It wasn't as if I hated my classmates either. I got along with most of them just fine. And neither did I have an issue with my professor - except, I guess she was the cause of the reason I hated attending DADA classes? After all, she had been the one to assign us our desk partners at the beginning of the school year and she'd just happened to give me the worst possible partner. Teddy bloody Lupin had walked over with that irritatingly charming smile of his and settled himself next to me with a "Morning, Eisnor," following the announcement and I instantly knew what I was letting myself in for.

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