Princess Charming (Draco Malfoy)

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So, let's start this one off with some news - guess who passed her driving test! It was one of the most stressful experiences ever.

Onto more news, I'm going back to uni at the end of this week and so I think it's best if I take next week off just to settle in and sort out some stuff for the year. And because I'm going to be away for a week I'm planning on posting 4 one shots this week. Keep an eye out for them and if I find some time to write next week I'll post too ~

This one was requested by SwordArtWhovian and I tried to make this as like your request as possible. Be sure to tell me what you think of it

Transfiguration was, at best, a complicated subject and at worst it was impossible to understand. And, because I had such an issue with the subject I spent most of the lesson hanging off every word spoken by Professor McGonagall. It often meant that I didn't know when the lesson was coming to an end until the bell rang. Today was no different.

Only when McGonagall had finished speaking and clapped her hands to gain everyone's attention, did I look up from my parchment. Satisfied, she cleared her throat.

"Before the lesson comes to an end, please get out your essays."

There were some groans from the students that had the misfortune of forgetting that we had an assignment due today. Thankfully I wasn't one of them. Reaching into my bag, I rifled through it until I found my Transfiguration assignment and placed it on the table. Professor McGonagall slowly made her way round the room, collecting the essays as she went.

When she reached our desk, she took our outstretched essays with a polite smile. "Thank you, Miss Davis and Miss Hyde."

"Your welcome Professor," we returned politely, watching as the older woman walked away from our desk and towards the other Slytherins in the class.

Once she was out of earshot, Tracey leaned in close and began to talk to me about something that she'd overheard at breakfast and I would have paid attention to her had my eyes not been drawn to Malfoy's table at the back of the class. McGonagall reached his table and accepted Zabini's essay before turning to Malfoy who made no move to retrieve his. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Malfoy stared almost defiantly up at McGonagall. Salazar, that boy was going to lose us points.

"Mr Malfoy," McGonagall called out firmly, raising an eyebrow, "where is your essay?"

Merlin, the boy had never missed an assignment before so chances were that if he was polite about forgetting, then McGonagall would let him off. But he wasn't being polite about it. Instead he was being outright rude as he held the older witches gaze. I was frowning fully now. Everyone knew that one day his attitude was going to get him in trouble and it looked like that day had finally arrived.

Tracey followed my eyes and watched the scene for a few seconds before nudging me with her arm. We shared a glance before trying to catch Blaise's eyes but he too was glancing at Malfoy with thinly veiled confusion.

"I'm disappointed Mr Malfoy," McGonagall said finally, drawing away from his desk. "Detention tonight, where you may complete the unfinished assignment."

She stared at him for a moment longer, trying to get a reaction out of him but he simply nodded. The older woman walked past his desk and Malfoy sneered at her back as the bell range.

We rose to our feet, leaving the classroom to get to the great hall for lunch. As we walked through the hall, Tracey and I shared looks, wanting to talk about what we'd seen in Transfiguration but there were too many listening Slytherin ears around. Especially considering that one of those ears belonged to Draco Malfoy who hurried past us on his way to the great hall.

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