On the Down Low (Lee Jordan)

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It's been a while, huh? How have you guys been? 

This one was interesting to write and a massive thank you to RavenMel for requesting one for Lee. I've been wanting to write one about him for ages but I couldn't think of any ideas. 

Now, just a little notice about this one - in this one, the Weasley twins aren't twins - they're triplets. And as requested, you are the youngest of the three Weasley triplets. Anyway, give it a go and excuse any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes. I'm currently half asleep. 

We had all been called into the great hall for an 'important announcement' and I just knew it wasn't going to be good news. The last important announcement that had been announced to the school was about the possibility of a murderer running amok in our school. And that was only last year. Godric knew what else was going to happen in this school.

But I walked into the great hall without a complaint, Fred and George on either side of me. They both wrapped an arm around my shoulder, smothering me and every time I protested, they only clung on tighter. I cast a glance over my shoulder to Lee who followed after us with a laugh. At my pleading look, he shook his head and refused to help me.

And he called himself my boyfriend.

"The scent of your body odour is overwhelming," I protested, trying and failing to pry their arms off from me. They just hugged me closer. "Did mum never introduce you to deodorant?"

"We just love our little sister so much," they chimed in unison, knowing how much it would irritate me.

We were triplets; born within hours of each other. And yet, the two of them had the talking in unison thing down. No matter how hard I tried, I'd never been able to do it. My brothers, realising this, always used it to irritate me even further.

I glared up at the pair of them. "I was born 15 minutes after George, minutes."

"Still makes you the youngest of the three of us, dear sister."

George was the first to release me from his arms and sat down at the Gryffindor table. Fred settled himself down beside George and I took my seat beside Fred. He'd always been much less observant than George who was surprisingly sharp when it came to figuring out things I wanted to keep hidden. I wasn't willing to risk it.

Without a word, Lee settled into the free seat beside me. Under the cover of the table, he reached out to entwine our fingers and I smiled at the simple action. We shared a glance from the corner of our eyes before turning to pay attention to Dumbledore who proceeded to tell us just what this important announcement really was.

Godric, this had to be the stupidest decision the ministry had ever made or – well, there was no other option. Restarting the bloody Triwizard Tournament, as if that wasn't just asking for more brushes with danger. Sudden murmurs started through the hall as the doors were pushed open and the students from Beauxbatons poured in, followed by the sound of excited chattering.

My eyes roved over the students from the French school and from the responses coming from some of the boys surrounding me, I just knew that there were some veelas mixed in amongst the students. Lee squeezed my hand, making me look to him curiously. Realising that my brothers were amongst the boys distracted, he'd decided to take the risk.

"Anyone caught your fancy?" he whispered in my ear, watching as I turned back to the French students.

"I'm going to be honest," I said quietly, "some of those French boys are gorgeous." He narrowed his eyes and before I added, "But you of all people should know that I don't go for just looks."

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