What the World Doesn't See (Theodore Nott)

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At first I wondered how people didn't equal emotionally stunted to Theo straight away but then I remembered just how emotionally students quite a few of the characters in the series actually are.

Anyway, this was requested by brotaytoe I hope you don't mind that I embellished the request a little bit. Be sure to let me know what you think of it ~

There were moments in life where you needed to be brave. Braver than you had ever believed yourself to be capable of being, but sometimes you found yourself in those sorts of situations. It was that very reason why, even as I found myself staring at the door of the Toad's office, I had to be brave. Everyone knew what happened the moment you stepped inside those doors and still, still I found myself in the position of having to step inside. Only because I had wanted to learn the things, she wasn't willing to teach us. Breathing out a shuddering sigh, I inched my hand slowly towards the doorknob, only to falter again.

Filch, clearly having had enough of my dithering, mumbled harshly under his breath and pushed the door open for me. As if not trusting me to walk in on my own, he nudged me until I was across the threshold; it was too late now. Umbridge, who sat dressed in all her pink monstrosity, behind her desk, offered me a smile that was all poison and no sugar.

She glanced behind me, saying a gentle, "Thank you, Mr Filch."

Like a schoolboy with a crush, Filch coloured pink and I scowled outright at him. Glaring daggers at him and swearing to complain to my head of house about him, I watched as he closed the door behind him. Although it might not have seemed it, Flitwick was protective of the students placed under his care and I certainly wouldn't put it past him to charm a snout onto Filch's face.

Umbridge, growing impatient, cleared her throat to get my attention. Turning to face her, I silently complied when she gestured towards the chair across from her and approached it with measured steps. Easing slowly into the chair, my eyes scanned the items on her desk; every single one of them could be used to inflict some form of harm on the countless students that had walked into her office for one of these punishment sessions. Because that's what this was – punishment. Once I was settled, I listened without a word as she launched into a speech regarding all of the things I had done wrong, the rules that I had broken and the consequences that I was sure to face.

Reaching the end, Umbridge looked expectantly towards me, waiting for some sort of reaction. But I wouldn't give her one; didn't she know that I had sat through worse? This was all just a petty scolding in comparison. For one second, Umbridge's displeasure flashed across her face before that fake smile was once again on her face.

"I know what will do the trick," she said pleasantly, walking around her desk to take a seat. My eyes traced after her as she drew out a small vial of colourless liquid. I recognised it on sight. Once again, holding my gaze, she gestured towards the potion, "Do you know what this is, Miss Eyre?"

"Veritaserum," I said instantly, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that I was right. Her brows rose slightly, almost seeming impressed that I knew. "I also know that it's against the rules to use on a pupil."

"Yes, it is," she agreed, uncorking the vial. Summoning a second teacup, she poured out a cup before adding exactly four drops of Veritaserum to the cup. With a smile that was beginning to make me want to scream, she stirred in two spoons of sugar before giving the tea a good mix. When she was finished, she settled the teacup before me.

"I suppose it doesn't matter to you that it's against the rules," I murmured slowly, turning the teacup so that the handle was within reach of my right hand. Merlin, I'd been in this situation so often that I wasn't even frightened anymore. Picking the cup up, my eyes flickered to hers, "Then again, using a blood quill is against the rules as well."

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