The Bumbling Fool (Fred Weasley II)

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No one got this one right ~

I don't blame you, the hints were really ambiguous and when looking for some information about Fred, I found out that there's absolutely nothing that we know about him.

Also, fun fact - this almost didn't get posted today because I took a nap when I got home for uni and I ended up sleeping for 6 hours ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But I forced myself to post this in time, so here it is:

The best part of the summer holiday was getting to sleepover at your best friend's house. Although we all spent the majority of the year together, it felt as if the holidays were too long if you couldn't see your friends during it. That was the reason I found myself spending the night at the Weasley home - or one of them anyway.

Roxanne had spent last weekend in my house, visiting parts of the muggle world that she had always wanted to visit. In return, my parents had shipped me off to her home for the weekend, taking Mr and Mrs Weasley up on their offer for me to visit during the holiday.

"I'd be careful," Roxie warned as I stepped into her room, "You know what's Fred's like."

And because I did know what Fred was like, I conducted a thorough search of the extra bed that had been placed in Roxie's room before searching the entire room. The number of his father's products that had been dotted around the room were countless. Honestly - he was going into his seventh year. What was he doing picking on two, soon to be, fifth years?

"Anyway," I said once we knew for certain that the room was clear - Mrs Weasley had even conducted a magic search of the room, just to be safe. "What was the big thing that you needed to talk to me about? Your owl kind of freaked me out a little bit."

"That's because you're such a worrier," she insisted with a roll of her eyes, patting my thigh.

"You were the one that wrote about what a big emergency it was," I pointed out. "You underlined the words code red three times Roxie - three times. What else was I supposed to do?"

She became hesitant, looking around the room and avoiding my eyes, "Well -"

"What is it Roxie," I prompted, watching as she began to fiddle with her pillow.

"Well - you know Alec Wood?" she trailed off again, fixing her eyes onto the pillow in her lap. She wouldn't raise her eyes to mine.

"Of course I know him - the two of you are always getting into arguments in the middle of the Gryffindor common room. Explosive arguments at that." Watching her cautiously, I saw her bite down on her bottom lip. "What about him Roxie?"

"He owled me a couple of days ago." She raised her eyes to mine, unsure of how to progress.

"And what did he say?"

Roxie looked around the room as if she was searching for something. Not finding what she had been looking for, she leaned in closer to me, lowering her voice as she spoke. "He asked me to Hogsmeade."

"I knew it," I gasped aloud, startling her. "Don't give me that look Roxie - we all knew it was going to happen eventually. Merlin, this is huge." Taking her hands in mine, I couldn't help but smile at seeing her so uncharacteristically nervous. "So, what did you say then?"


My mouth dropped open slightly. "You're joking."

"Not exactly," she winced a little under the weight of my stare. "I just told him that I wasn't going to answer that question over owl."

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