Front Page Scandal (Adrian Pucey)

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A valentines day present, from me to you

The small coffee shop that I worked in usually went overlooked by the majority of the busy London crowd. Our customers were usually regulars who returned over and over again for their daily fix of caffeine and the waiting staff normally built up a close relationship with each and every one of our customers. As a result, new customers stood out like a sore thumb. Although, from the way this new customer was acting, he would have stuck out anyway.

He hesitated by the front door for a while before making up his mind and sitting down at one of the empty tables. And with my luck, the table he had chosen to sit down at, was one I was in charge of. Stepping out from behind the counter, I headed towards his table and waited for him to acknowledge me.

"Are you alright there, sweetheart?" I asked, watching him as he scanned the menu with slight confusion.

At the sound of my voice he turned to face me and gave me a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I'm not from around here."

"I can tell," I fought a smile, "Do you need some help?"

"I'm not sure what to pick," he admitted, turning back to the menu, "I've never really drank coffee before."

My eyebrows flew up in surprise, "You've never drank coffee before? And yet you're sitting in a coffee shop?"

"Today's supposed to be about trying something new." He shrugged his shoulder and I found the action more adorable than I should have. Closing the menu, he turned his eyes back onto me. "Why don't you recommend me something?"

"Well because you've never tried coffee before, I'm not sure if you'll like the taste of it," I admitted, turning to look at the black chalkboard that displayed our menu. "Many beginners don't like the taste of coffee. But do you want to try a latte? It's one of the drinks that has the least coffee in it."

I turned back to face him, starting slightly when I realised that he was watching me quiet closely. Scratching the side of my jaw with the end of my pen, I forced myself not to grow red under his stare.

"How does a latte sound?"

"Would you recommend it - for a beginner, that is?" He tilted his head to the side curiously, putting his chin in his hand. At my nod, he straightened his posture, "That sounds good then - I'll have a latte please."

"Would you like anything else to go with it? We've got some of today's special double chocolate fudge cake left, would you like some?"

He leaned contemplatively back in his seat. "I'm supposed to be on a diet for training, but it sounds really tempting."

"Well I won't tell if you don't."

He chuckled and sat up straight. "Alright, you've convinced me."

"Ok then, it'll be a short wait and I'll be back with your order."

With that, I approached the counter and relayed his order to the barista, declaring that I'd take my break after giving the customer his order.

"Would you like your usual?" the barista asked, pausing momentarily in his search through the cupboards to look at me.

I smiled thankfully, "Yes please."

Waiting patiently for the order to come out, I found my eyes drifting back to my unusual customer who was looking around the room with a strange sort of fascination. He clearly wasn't from around here. Sitting up in his seat, he stretched his arms over his head and I found my eyes glued to the expanse of clear skin exposed by the gesture - well, he was clearly athletic.

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