Completely Unexpected (Blaise Zabini)

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Surprisingly there was a lot of love for Adrian and Theo. Did you love their one shots that much? Well, this one is about Blaise and a Hufflepuff reader, as requested by sunniIy. Hopefully you still enjoy it, regardless of which Slytherin it focuses on. 

Also, there's an important message about requests at the bottom to make sure you read it carefully~

Susan had taken it upon herself to educate me about our newest potions Professor. Apparently, the elderly man had previously taught at Hogwarts and had even taught her father when he had attended the school. I vaguely heard her mention something about how he invited his favourites to join some sort of ultra-exclusive club. I tried to pay attention to her words, I did, but all I could think about was how she had found out so much about the professor in the first place. Had she owled her father as soon as the welcoming feast had ended to get information about him?

She thankfully stopped her talking as we approached the potions classroom and I frowned a little when I realised just how small the class had become. Was this it? Well it seemed that the professor wouldn't have many people to pick a favourite from.

I followed Susan into the classroom and couldn't help but voice my curiosity, "Isn't it odd that there's not many people – sweet Merlin!"

Helga, I should have learned by now to look where I was walking. Especially because I was so clumsy. But I had naturally assumed, as you would, that I would be able to walk into a classroom without tripping over but even that seemed to be too much of a task for me. Without even knowing how, I had tripped over seemingly nothing and went tumbling backwards. It was a small miracle that I didn't crash to the floor but rather I had the misfortune of tumbling into someone. Whoever's chest I had stumbled into, grabbed my shoulders to stabilise me. I let out a breath, startled by the sudden movement.

"Thank you," I said wholeheartedly feeling grateful to whoever had spared me from the embarrassment of falling to the ground. "I don't know what I could have done –"

Peering over my shoulder at my saviour I trailed off when I met dark, unimpressed eyes. Blaise Zabini stared down at me, briefly tightening his hold on my shoulders. Blinking stupidly up at him, I had no idea how to react or what to do and he seemed to have had enough. He raised an eyebrow, dropping his hands from me and my cheeks coloured in utter humiliation when I realised I was still pressed against his chest.

Oh bollocks.

Hurriedly pulling myself away from him, I looked towards Susan who was still standing beside me. She looked as shocked as I inwardly felt. Clearing my throat, I hurried to right myself and picked up my bag from where it had fallen to the floor. As I slung it over my shoulder, I saw Malfoy appear behind Zabini's shoulder. As if one unimpressed Slytherin wasn't enough.

"What the hell is taking so long?" Malfoy asked grouchily, looking at the other Slytherin who was still looking down at me.

Helga, what did he want from me? Was he waiting for me to apologise for tumbling into him? Turning away from the dark eyes, I briefly met the lighter eyes belonging to Malfoy who, upon recognising me, began to smirk slightly. He looked between Zabini and me, completely disregarding Susan who I knew was standing beside me so I wouldn't become cowed by the pair of them.

"Oh," Malfoy drew the word out, "it's you."

What was that supposed to mean? Zabini cleared his throat, making me look back to him.

He pursed his lips, completely unimpressed, "Are you not going to move, Valentine? Or are you planning to keep blocking the doorway?"

"Oh, right." Clearing my throat, I stepped aside to let them into the classroom. "Sorry."

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