When the Clock Strikes 12 (Newt Scamander)

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Hello my lovely readers or maybe I should start calling you my fawns since most of you seem to be younger than me (and I'm the mum friend)?

Anyway, it's been a while since I updated as I took some time out to relax and go on holiday. So before posting this one, why don't we catch up?

While I was away I visited my mum's side of the family, spent an entire day at the beach, attended 3 birthday parties that were held back-to-back, dropped my grandfather off to the airport, and am preparing to return to uni in a few weeks. What have you guys been up to?

A lot of you reached out to message me about updating and some of you were actually concerned about my health. Well don't worry, I was just relaxing and I'm pleased you all love my work so much. But as for the people who demanded that I update and claimed that I somehow owed them the next one shot, well you are way out of line. I have a life outside of wattpad and truthfully, comments like that make me want to quit this all together. But then I remember the outpouring of love I get from the majority of my readers and I want to keep writing ~

Also, this book has reached 1 million views whilst I was away! When I began to write my one shots, I never thought that they'd be so popular, or that they'd even pass 100 reads. And this is all thanks to you guys who inspire me to keep writing. Thank you ~

I was in such a rush to make sure that this got posted in time that I haven't had time to edit it so please look past any mistakes. Hopefully this one shot makes up for the wait!

Oh, and there's a message at the end of this one shot about making requests so please pay attention to that. And, as always, tell me what you think.

Theseus Scamander, once you stripped him of his commanding persona and set aside his feats from the war, you uncovered a big old warrywort. Especially when it came to me. He had the most horrendous habit of hovering around me and he had done since we had been introduced. One of our parents must have remarked that because he was 5 years older than me, he was to look after me.

He had taken that too much to heart.

"Thee," I protested as I moved around the kitchen, cooking as I went. Picking up the vegetables I set aside on the counter top, I proceeded to wash them. "You're hovering again."

He didn't respond, shrugging slightly. Crossing his arms over his chest, he leaned against the kitchen counter and watched me closely. Helga, no matter how accustomed I was to the weight of his concerned eyes, it didn't make it any less infuriating.

"You're still pining after Newt," he teased from his position, making me pause momentarily in my motions. Glancing over my shoulder, I rolled my eyes for him to see and before turning to continue my cooking. He moved out of my way as I went to pass him. He followed after me.

"Honestly," I muttered, "Thee, you're useless in the kitchen and you're being more of a hassle then you are a help."

He didn't bother to respond to my words and instead continued to tease me; I wasn't very surprised. "Then again, when you were younger you always said your dream was to become Mrs Scamander."

Peering into the cooking pot, I stirred in some corn-starch to thicken the soup when I felt him creep beside me. I felt his shoulder brush against mine, making me look curiously towards him. My smile dipped slightly when I saw the serious look in his eyes. Helga, not again.

"Theseus," I protested quietly, trailing off when he turned away from me to looking into the bubbling pot.

"Of course," he remarked, words no more than a mumble which could have been easily lost, "I did offer." I couldn't respond to him, what response was I meant to give a man who I knew was in love with me? Standing before me was a man who claimed he'd lay his life down in place of my own and I knew he actually meant it. And yet, it wasn't enough. Of course, he knew my thoughts and looked to me with a sad smile. "But everyone knows that you've only ever had eyes for one Scamander."

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