Quidditch Girlfriends (Dean Thomas)

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Sitting at the Gryffindor table for breakfast, I looked around at the rest of the Gryffindors. Something was odd but I wasn't quite sure what. Normally everyone would be laughing and talking, pleased that it was finally the weekend. Yet today, the majority of the people at the table were keeping to themselves and there was an overwhelming sense of nerves surrounding the table.

Neville walked into the great hall and made his way further down the hall. Sitting down across from me, he accepted the plate of toast that I outstretched towards him.

"Do you have any idea what's going on?" I asked, taking a sip of my pumpkin juice. "Most of the house are acting weirdly."

"The quidditch try outs are today," he explained, "They're looking for new members to replace the people who left the team last year."

"Oh right." From the corner of my eye I noticed Harry and the already confirmed members of the quidditch team walk out of the great hall. Multiple pairs of eyes followed their movements. "What about you Neville? Are you trying out for the team?"

He gave me a small smile, "I lack the coordination needed to be a part of the team."

"Don't put yourself down so much," I scolded, kicking his shin gently under the table.

"I'm not putting myself down," he insisted, "It's the truth. But I'm going to go down and watch the try outs. Want to keep me company?"

"Sure, why not," I said with a shrug of my shoulders, my eyes drifting to the open doors of the great hall. "Today's not a Hogsmeade trip and I've got nothing else to do."

I watched as Seamus entered the hall, tugging an unusually glum looking Dean behind him. Seamus was talking quietly to Dean, occasionally patting him on the back as they strode over towards Neville and I. Finishing up whatever conversation they had been having, they settled down on either side of Neville. Seamus helped himself to some food before glancing over at his best friend. When it became obvious that Dean was not going to make a move to get any food for himself, Seamus rolled his eyes and began to plate some food onto Dean's plate as well.

Looking up briefly, Seamus met my gaze long enough to see me silently raise my eyebrows in question at Dean's odd behaviour. He mouthed something at me that I didn't quite manage to understand. I raised an eyebrow at him. Seamus repeated himself, slower this time so I could actually understand him.

"Talk to him."

I moved my gaze onto Dean who was barely picking at the food on his plate. He wasn't looking up at anyone. Giving Seamus a look, I settled my eyes back onto Dean; I had never seen him so nervous before.

"Dean?" I prodded.

"Yeah?" He asked, looking up at the sound of my voice. He let his fork slip from between his fingers and land on the side of his plate with a gentle clang.

"Are you feeling alright?" He looked at me curiously, as though he didn't know that he was acting strangely. "You haven't been acting like yourself."

"I'm fine," he said to reassure me. Then when he saw that I wasn't convinced he added, "Honestly."

One of his hands was laying on the top of the table and I covered it with one of my own. I squeezed his hand softly. "Dean."

"I guess I'm just nervous," he admitted with a sigh.


"I'm trying out for the quidditch team today," He answered quietly, "I guess I'm just nervous about the try outs."

"I don't really get why you're nervous about it Dean," I said with a roll of my eyes as I removed my hand from on top of his. "I've seen you play quidditch before – you're a good chaser. I'm sure you'll make the team."

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