The Third Wheel (Ernie Macmillan)

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First of all, sorry this isn't about Sirius (or any of the marauders). Maybe I should explain my hints a little?

Ernie stood up for Justin in their second year when there was speculation about whether or not Harry was the heir of Slytherin. And the hint about his extra-ness; does no one else remember the scene where he was questioning Ron and Harry about how many hours a day they spent revising?

Anyway, this one was requested by carminaxburana who asked for an Ernie one shot where the reader is currently dating Justin *gasp*

I hope you like it~

Helga, how had I stooped so low?

Here I was, sat in the Three Broomsticks with my boyfriend's arm around my shoulder. The boyfriend that I'd been dating since the beginning of fourth year - almost for a year now. The boyfriend that I was supposed to be in love with, or feel some affection towards and yet, there was nothing there. Merlin, how had things gone so catastrophically awry?

Justin, realising that I was lost in my thoughts, reached out to poke my side. Snapping me from my thoughts, I smiled bashfully when I raised my eyes to his. "What's going on with you, Shepherd?"

I shifted a little uncomfortably at the affectionate call of my surname. "It's nothing Justin, I'm just lost in my thoughts."

Helga, if there was any of matter then I'd have turned for him to advice. Or even turn to Ernie for advice, out of the pair of them I had known Ernie for longer. But how could I turn to either of them when they were both at the very root of my problems. Merlin's beard, how had I become one of those girls? The girls who weren't in love with their boyfriend and had wandering eyes. Especially when those wandering eyes settled on their boyfriend's best friend!

Helga, when the hell did my feelings for Justin begin to wane and why had I not noticed it? The more important question was, when did those feelings grow for his bloody best friend? I just needed to think about what I was supposed to do now. It would all be easier if I could begin to fall in love with Justin all over again.

Obviously, I couldn't try anything on Ernie - not that I ever would - especially when I was currently dating. I wouldn't have tried anything even if I wasn't dating someone; I'd never live down the embarrassment of confessing my feelings to someone who didn't return them.

I wasn't planning on making a move on Ernie, right now he wasn't my priority. My priority was handling Justin. Merlin, what was I supposed to do about Justin?

"Are you sure you're alright?" Justin questioned quietly, turning his concerned eyes on to me. The rest of the table continued to converse, unaware of our private conversation.

"I'm fine," I assured him, reaching out to pat his hand comfortingly. "I mean it."

He didn't look convinced but said nothing and turned back to the table. We watched as Hannah glanced down at her watch and rose to her feet with a sigh.

"I need to get going," she explained apologetically, wrapping her scarf around her neck. "I promised Professor Sprout that I'd help her out in the greenhouse so I need to get back to the castle."

"I'll walk you," Justin offered as he gathered his coat. He pressed a kiss to my temple as he rose to his feet and explained, "I need to talk to Professor McGonagall; I'll see you back at the castle?"

"See you then," I called out and watched the pair of them leave the pub and it was then that I realised that by the pair of them leaving I had been left alone with Ernie.

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